
I think TOTAL_REQ_SUCCESS is also important in some cases.

By the way, there is a branch "feature/improve-monitoring-metrics" which is
written by Julian

and use Micrometer to collect some performance info.

I think we can maintain that branch in the next step.
(By the way,  I believe that making the project more modularity is
We can extract the implementation as interfaces to let users decide using
which way to get the info)

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Xiangwei Wei <wxw19981...@gmail.com> 于2020年8月26日周三 下午1:52写道:

> Hi,
> Currently, the status monitor module of iotdb is abandoned and not
> maintained now. It's time for us to restart this module.
> Before, it was designed including two child modules: 1. the writing data
> status monitor and 2. the file size monitor.
> 1. The writing data monitor module is responsible for collecting writing
> data statistics including
> - TOTAL_POINTS (Calculate the total writing points number.)
> - TOTAL_REQ_SUCCESS (Calculate the successful requests number.)
> - TOTAL_REQ_FAIL (Calculate the failed requests number.)
> - TOTAL_POINTS_FAIL (Calculate the failed writing points number.)
> etc.
> and presenting them to users by statistics time series like
> .root.stats.write.global.TOTAL_POINTS. It's not supported completely now.
> Actually, many parts of origin design are redundant and not meaningful for
> users. Therefore, *I want to just keep TOTAL_POINTS here and remove
> others*.
> And i did not come up with some good ideas about *what needs to be added to
> this monitor* while writing data. Welcome to any ideas here!
> 2. The file size monitor is concerned about how much space the data file
> takes. It's supported partly and very limited now.
> In my opinion, it's easily for users to see how much space the data file
> takes by a visible interface or just a Linux code. And it's more flexible
> for users to decide what to calculate by themselves. Therefore, there is no
> sufficient reason for us to redesign and reimplement this child module. *I
> want to just remove it from iotdb.*
> The impletation way of status monitor module was designed as setting a
> monitor thread and returning the status info every
> *back_loop_period_in_second* (default 5s), removing outdated data
> every *stat_monitor_retain_interval_in_second
> (default 600s). *It cost a lot and is meaningless if no write was made
> then.
> Therefore, we want to collect the data while writing data and keep it in
> memory temperarily, *every time flush() is invoked or user want to select
> the monitor data, we update the data info to the disk and return users the
> lastest data.*
> That what need to be monitored which is useful for users except
> TOTAL_POINTS still need to be discussed. Welcome to any ideas.
> --
> Best,
> Xiangwei Wei

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