Hi all

1. Topic

Target: Let IoTDB support declarative subscription mode.

Implementation: First, improve the trigger module, then support trigger running 
in the new cluster architecture and independent subscription syntax later.


2. Participants:

Gong Ning, Steve Yurong Su, Wei Liu, Qijun Xie.


3. Current Situation and Problems

a) Trigger only supports full-path subscription now. However, in the 
prefix-path subscription, trigger cannot know the data of which measurement 
triggers, because the fire method in trigger is missing path parameter.

b) Trigger only supports subscripting single event currently. We could optimize 
it for batch writing.

c) Trigger fire interface currently only supports synchronous call interface, 
so it is only suitable for triggering lightweight calls. For subscription 
forwarding and other functions, users are required to implement a service to 
realize asynchronous call and resource management. This kind of service lacks 
an abstract mechanism in IoTDB, so there may be as many services as trigger 

d) Trigger does not support cluster mode. The main reason is that trigger is a 
kind of stateful computing.


4. General Idea

a) Optimize the current trigger interface definition and its function.

  i. Each fire in trigger should contain the full-path information.

Trigger handler should support processing batch events.

b) Support database extension (CREATE EXTENSION) and pluggable features of 

  i. Support attaching external services (class implements IService) to 
the database through dynamic agent.

Make Influxdb protocol service, HTTP/MQTT service, UDF external library and 
others pluggable.

             iii. Each plugin 
will be universal and can support the internal services of the database: REST 
Service, Metrics Reporting and the HTTP triggering in trigger don??t need to go 
through different HTTP service implementations.

             iv. Each plugin 
can define its own calling method and resource management method to reduce the 
overall resource overhead.

Reduce the dependence on packaging (more suitable for edge deployment), allow 
users to dynamically select plugins during compilation, and improve the 
scalability of IoTDB.

c) Support trigger running in the new cluster architecture.

  i. Metadata storage of trigger. The amount of trigger data is small, so 
all nodes can store a copy.

Only the leader node triggers.

             iii. Only the 
low reliability of trigger is guaranteed to users. The persistence and 
consistency of the state are not guaranteed. Trigger only guarantees at least 
one call for each trigger.

d) Support subscription function or subscription syntax

  i. Using HTTP or MQTT protocal.

Could refer to the implementation of the build-in forward trigger 
(ForwardTrigger). Link: https://github.com/iskytek/iotdb/tree/trigger_forward.


5. Action

a) Ideas 1 and 2 are expected to complete the design and development in three 

b) After action 1 is released, determine the design and development completion 
time of ideas 3 and 4



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