Using a unified architecture is a convenient way to learn and expand IoTDB 
indeed. If so, we should consider the extra resource cost in edge environment, 
which may need more test in later versions. For example, a 4G4C docker 
container can support X timeseries and Y QPS in a single process architecture. 
If it migrates to a 2 processes one, could it support the performance 
requirements above as well? And what's the best practice of the usage ratio 
between conifg node of the total limited available resource, 2:2 or 1:3, or any 

> 在 2022年10月30日,13:07,HW-Chao Wang <> 写道:
> +1,i support 1c1d for standalone verson,this is easy to learning&nbsp; for 
> users. and then cluster version will be a trend.
> ---Original---
> From: "Jialin Qiao"<;
> Date: Sun, Oct 30, 2022 10:29 AM
> To: "dev"<;;
> Subject: About the standalone version
> Hi,
> In this new cluster version, we separate the IoTDB service to two
> process: ConfigNode and DataNode, which could be deployed on multiple
> machines and one machine.
> So if users want to use a standalone IoTDB, they can deploy a 1C1D
> architecture on one machine.
> We are investigating if we need to support a one-process(combine
> ConfigNode and DataNode) architecture for the standalone version.
> which does not see much significant but introduces some learning
> difficulties to users from the product complexity perspective.
> In this case, I'd like to only release the ConfigNode and DataNode
> Cluster, without another special standalone, and remove the
> Instead, we could introduce a, which start one ConfigNode
> and one DataNode by default. And this could also be used to start the
> whole cluster.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> —————————————————
> Jialin Qiao
> Apache IoTDB PMC

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