
>  In some cases, reverting the code might be the best option to prevent 
> further damage.

I don't think the current PR needs revert.  The bad case you mentioned, from 
your point of view, I can also understand. But revet the pr, the reasons 
mentioned before are not convincing, whether it is that the multi-tenant 
boundary is not clearly defined, or that the pipeline fails, or it is a bad 

You can continue to test each PR, try to find bad cases and initiate a 
discussion on whether revert is necessary. I think it is very good and very 
rigorous. Of course, if you just want to target this PR, I have no objection, 
but strictly speaking, I can’t accept any of the reasons given. If I have to 
say it, it’s probably to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. I can accept the 
revised description.

> Perhaps I need to emphasize again that regarding the multi-tenancy section 
> discussed, the following is my conclusion.

I understand what you said, you think multi-tenancy is not equal to resource 
control, I understand, just like k8s is not equal to cloud native, docker is 
not equal to container. Strictly speaking, it is true. So does this have 
something to do with whether to revert this PR?

Now two questions:
1. Definition of multi-tenancy
2. Is it necessary to revert this PR

1. For multi-tenant issues, I think it can be modified to resource control.
2. For revert pr, I don’t think revert is needed. The reason has been mentioned 
before. It supports basic functions, has minimal performance impact and is 
turned off by default. Speaking of this, I would like to know, have you tested 
this pr https://github.com/apache/iotdb/pull/9430 and analyzed whether it 
affects the impact of IoTDB, whether it has an impact on the edge side, whether 
it will affect Development of other functions. Or there are just more questions 
about pr raised by some SPECIFIC community contributors.

In fact, I don't want to continue this topic for a long time. I think it should 
be over after Jialin made a suggestion. It just seems that some opinions seem 
to be aimed at community participants. For the healthy development of the 
community, I think it would be better to clarify.

Regarding the topic of this pr, this is my last reply, all opinions are 
accepted, and I do not insist that there is no need to revert this pr. I 
personally feel that my contribution to the community is really not much, and I 
may not think comprehensively enough. It may be more suitable for learning more 
in the community, doing less and seeing more.


Chao Wang
BONC ltd
On 4/12/2023 19:14,Jinrui 张金瑞<329920...@qq.com.INVALID> wrote:

Perhaps I need to emphasize again that regarding the multi-tenancy section 
discussed, the following is my conclusion:
1. The implementation of the PR cannot be called multi-tenancy
2. Multi-tenancy is not equal to resource control.

The reasons are:
1. While resource isolation or control can be used to enable multi-tenancy, 
it's not the only requirement.
2. A true multi-tenant system should also have features such as per-tenant 
configurations, customized tenant roles and permissions, and clear separation 
of tenant data.
3. In our case, the lack of configuration file isolation in the current 
implementation means that different tenants may inadvertently affect each 
other's configurations, which goes against the core principle of multi-tenancy. 
The example I raised in last mail is also used to illustrate it rather than the 
function scope definition.

@Chao: You think this pr function is missing, and I can understand it, after 
all, you have found some bad cases. So next time if there are other PRs and I 
find out the bad case, is it better to consider launching a discussion and 
reverting it?

(Jinrui): You have raised a good point. In some cases, reverting the code might 
be the best option to prevent further damage. So, yes, please feel free to 
start a discussion if you find any issues in the future. I appreciate your 
understanding and willingness to consider discussions and reverts if any bad 
cases are found in future PRs. It is definitely welcomed. It’s important for us 
to maintain a high standard of code quality and ensure that our users can rely 
on our product. Let's continue to work together to achieve this goal.

Zhang Jinrui

2023年4月12日 下午6:13,Chao Wang <ccgow...@163.com> 写道:


Especially when exposing these concepts to users, we don't want to create any 
misunderstandings about the core functionality of IoTDB, which is also 
mentioned in Xiangdong's mail. That's why we need to be precise in our 
definitions and avoid interchangeable usage of terms that could lead to 

I agree that the term multi-tenancy is somewhat imprecise in a sense and can be 
modified to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. But just like the multi-tenant 
form you defined, what will be affected? Based on resource isolation technology 
or resource control technology, what's wrong with providing services to 
multiple tenants and declaring that this is a multi-tenant function (possibly 

I think it is good for everyone to discuss the definition clearly. Before the 
definition is clear, there is no need to question a bunch of questions first.

However, based on my personal judgment and the current state of the code, I 
don't believe it's ready to be merged yet due to its significant missing 

I have tested the code and the steps below are working. I think the basic 
functions are done.

set space quota timeseries=3 on root.test
create timeseries root.test.wf01.wt01.status with 
create timeseries root.test.wf01.wt01.status1 with 
create timeseries root.test.wf01.wt01.status2 with 
create timeseries root.test.wf01.wt01.status4 with 

The fourth statement will report an error.

You think this pr function is missing, and I can understand it, after all, you 
have found some bad cases. So next time if there are other PRs and I find out 
the bad case, is it better to consider launching a discussion and reverting it?


Chao Wang
BONC ltd
On 4/12/2023 17:28,Jinrui 张金瑞<329920...@qq.com.INVALID> wrote:

@Chao: Well, there is a difference between multi-tenancy and resource control 
as you define. Sometimes in communication, a certain application form is often 
used to refer to the core technology or representative technology, or the core 
technology represents a certain application form. I think it is not accurate, 
but it is acceptable. Just like when I say cloud native, I will naturally think 
of k8s, and when it comes to containers, I will think of docker. I think the 
core technology of multi-tenancy is resource control or isolation, so it is 
also possible to mention multi-tenancy. Functions similar to multi-tenancy can 
be realized based on the resource control function.
(Jinrui): I understand your point of view, but I still believe that there is a 
difference between multi-tenancy and resource control. While it may be 
acceptable to use a certain application form to refer to a core technology or 
representative technology, I think it's important to be accurate in our 
terminology, especially when it comes to technical discussions. In my opinion, 
the core technology of multi-tenancy is about providing separate environments 
for different tenants, while resource control or isolation is a means to 
achieve that. While functions similar to multi-tenancy can be realized based on 
the resource control function, I think it's important to distinguish between 
the two and use the appropriate term depending on the context.
Especially when exposing these concepts to users, we don't want to create any 
misunderstandings about the core functionality of IoTDB, which is also 
mentioned in Xiangdong's mail. That's why we need to be precise in our 
definitions and avoid interchangeable usage of terms that could lead to 

@Chao: I think there is a problem with this code and it needs to be fixed. You 
can continue to submit the code to fix it. We don't need to revert and wait for 
the repair to be completed before submit it. What you emphasize is that it 
affects the stability of the code, so it's better to revert. I Agree with that. 
But I don’t see how a function that is turned off by default affects the 
stability and affects the user? Has it affected the development of other 
functions? Does it affect pipeline testing? Only bug-free code does not affect 
stability? As Houliang said, can someone be sure that their code has no bugs?
(Jinrui): While it's true that no one can guarantee bug-free code, it's also 
important to ensure that the code meets the minimum requirements for 
functionality and stability. We don't want to risk introducing more issues to 
the system by merging incomplete or flawed code. I would like to clarify that 
the current issue with the code is not just about the presence of bugs, but 
also about the basic functionality that is missing. Furthermore, even if the 
function is turned off by default, it could still have an impact on the 
development of other functions.
I understand that we may have different opinions on whether this code should be 
merged or not. If you think it's acceptable to merge the code, I respect your 
opinion and we can proceed accordingly. However, based on my personal judgment 
and the current state of the code, I don't believe it's ready to be merged yet 
due to its significant missing functionality.

@Houliang: Second: why can't we call it multi-tenant? We can achieve logical 
isolation of data through this feature and auth permission, and we can also 
manage and control users and database resources. Doesn't this just verify what 
you said above?
(Jinrui): Let's say there are two tenants in the system, Tenant A and Tenant B. 
In the current implementation, if Tenant A disables the compaction function, it 
will also be disabled for Tenant B. This means that Tenant B has no control 
over this feature and must accept the configuration set by Tenant A. This is 
not an ideal scenario for multi-tenancy, as each tenant should be able to 
configure their own settings independently without affecting other tenants.
Additionally, if one user modifies the configuration of their IoTDB instance, 
it can potentially impact the experience of other users sharing the same 
resources. This is not desirable for multi-tenancy, as each tenant should be 
isolated from each other and their actions should not impact other tenants.
Therefore, it's important to have proper multi-tenancy implementation to avoid 
these kinds of issues and ensure each tenant can operate independently without 
interfering with each other.

Zhang Jinrui

2023年4月12日 下午4:08,Houliang Qi <neuyi...@163.com> 写道:

Hi, Jinrui

(Jinrui): Just like how I believe that multi-tenancy and multi-user are not the 
same thing, regarding the suggestion to interchange "multi-tenancy" and 
"resource control," while they may have some similarities in concept, they are 
not interchangeable.

First of all, you misunderstood me. I never said that multi-tenancy and 
multi-user are the same thing. What I want to emphasize is: one user per tenant 
is also one of the ways to realize multi-tenancy, and one tenant manages one 
database, which is also one of the ways to realize multi-tenancy, and dories, 
spanner also has such an implementation.

(Jinrui): multi-tenancy is a specific approach to architecture that enables 
multiple tenants to share the same resources while keeping their data isolated, 
whereas resource control is a broader term that can refer to any mechanism used 
to manage and allocate system resources.

Second: why can't we call it multi-tenant? We can achieve logical isolation of 
data through this feature and auth permission, and we can also manage and 
control users and database resources. Doesn't this just verify what you said 

Houliang Qi

---- Replied Message ----
| From | Jinrui 张金瑞<329920...@qq.com.INVALID> |
| Date | 04/12/2023 14:55 |
| To | <dev@iotdb.apache.org> |
| Subject | Re: [discuss] consider revert the feature of multi-tenancy |

the following description assumes that multi-tenancy = resource control, the 
two words can be interchanged. Are there any objections?

(Jinrui): Just like how I believe that multi-tenancy and multi-user are not the 
same thing, regarding the suggestion to interchange "multi-tenancy" and 
"resource control," while they may have some similarities in concept, they are 
not interchangeable. Multi-tenancy is a specific approach to architecture that 
enables multiple tenants to share the same resources while keeping their data 
isolated, whereas resource control is a broader term that can refer to any 
mechanism used to manage and allocate system resources.

Based on this, continue to infer, if it is found that the released version has 
a bug a few days after it was released, should the release be cancelled, and it 
is better to wait for the bug to be fixed.
(Jinrui): Actually, we were not discussing how to do code control. But since 
you brought up the issue of code quality, do you think the current code is of 
sufficient quality to be merged? Or did you notice the issue when reviewing the 
code? Of course, I understand that we don't have a quantifiable standard to 
judge whether code is mergeable or not, and everyone has their own criteria for 
making that judgment. Regarding your question about cancelling a release if a 
bug is found a few days after it was released, I think it depends on the 
severity of the bug and the impact it has on users. If the bug is minor and 
does not affect the core functionality of the software, it may be acceptable to 
wait for the bug to be fixed in the next release. However, if the bug is severe 
and causes major issues for users, it may be necessary to cancel the release 
and fix the bug immediately.

As for the fact that it hasn’t been fixed for two days, this function is being 
discussed whether it should be discarded or not. Does it still take time to fix 

(Jinrui): I didn't fully understand what you meant, could you please explain it 

Zhang Jinrui

2023年4月12日 下午1:35,Chao Wang <ccgow...@163.com> 写道:

Hi all,

It seems that Houliang didn't make it very clear before.  Let me add some more 

If you think this code is doing multi tenant things now, why do we need to 
change the name to some other words like resource control ? Is it > just to 
prevent users from misunderstandings from the definition? If that's the case, 
does it mean that users perceive multi tenancy as different from what we do? 
This is contradictory.

Why change multi-tenancy to resource control is just because everyone’s 
perception of multi-tenancy is not very unified. It may be more unified to 
change it to resource control. This should not be contradictory.

Suppose, under the advance statement in pr, the following description assumes 
that multi-tenancy = resource control, the two words can be interchanged. Are 
there any objections?

It has been two days since this code was merged, and I don't know if anyone is 
fixing the issue I mentioned. Bug is definitely accepted, but I don't think 
this issue belongs to a 'bug' because it failed even the most basic functional 

From your test, it is true that there is a problem with this pr, and there is 
no pr fix at present. For the stability of the code base, it should be better 
to revert, even if this function is turned off by default (reminds me of 
developing a new version of distributed Framework, it seems that many codes are 
merged when they can't run, I don't know if it's suitable for this scenario). 
Then according to this inference, whether all PRs in the future have to repair 
and submit bugfix immediately once a bug is found, and it is better to revert 
after a certain period of time (assuming 2 days). Based on this, continue to 
infer, if it is found that the released version has a bug a few days after it 
was released, should the release be cancelled, and it is better to wait for the 
bug to be fixed.

As for the fact that it hasn’t been fixed for two days, this function is being 
discussed whether it should be discarded or not. Does it still take time to fix 


Chao Wang
BONC ltd
On 4/12/2023 11:26,张金瑞<329920...@qq.com.INVALID> wrote:
Hi all,

Although it seems that we have reached an agreement on what this PR really did, 
there are a few issues that I think are still unclear and need to be further 

&gt; @Houliang said in previous mail: "a user is a tenant, and each tenant has 
different resources. This is also multi-tenancy"
(Jinrui) Everyone difinitely can have their own understanding of multi-tenancy 
but I don't think "Tenant is equal to User". We can refer the definition of 
MultiTenancy from wikipedia 
here&nbsp;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitenancy. I think no&nbsp;matter 
how we define the concept of multi tenant ourselves, the reaction of most users 
when they see this word is more important when they use IoTDB. On the other 
hand, If you think this code is doing multi tenant things now, why do we need 
to change the name to some other words like resource control ? Is it just to 
prevent users from misunderstandings from the definition? If that's the case, 
does it mean that users perceive multi tenancy as different from what we do? 
This is contradictory.

&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;@Houliang said in previous mail: "I STRONGLY think that this PR 
does not violate the positioning and future development of IOTDB, so I STRONGLY 
think that revert is not needed"
(Jinrui) I think the first part of my previous mail is not noticed. 
Maybe&nbsp;I need to emphasize it again. I didn't say that it was a MUST to 
perform a revert. What actually I said is if there is significant uncertainty 
in the code, revert is a quick way to make the repo keep stable. And I also 
appended a simple test report in last mail. And the test report showed that a 
very simple scenario cannot passed when enable the feature.&nbsp;It has been 
two days since this code was merged, and I don't know if anyone is fixing the 
issue I mentioned. Bug is definitely accepted, but I don't think this issue 
belongs to a 'bug' because it failed even the most basic functional testing.

Zhang Jinrui


From:"Jialin Qiao"< qiaojia...@apache.org &gt;;

Date:2023/4/11 21:47

To:"dev"< dev@iotdb.apache.org &gt;;

Subject:Re: [discuss] consider revert the feature of multi-tenancy


&gt; I think we have reached a consensus from the discussion, change the name 
of this feature to resource control, and continue to contribute to this feature.

+1, Thanks for Houliang and Yuhua's contribution! We indeed need a
resource control module to keep the system safe :)

Jialin Qiao
Apache IoTDB PMC

Houliang Qi  于2023年4月11日周二 16:02写道:
&gt; Hi, all
&gt; I think we have reached a consensus from the discussion, change the name 
of this feature to resource control, and continue to contribute to this feature.
&gt; Thank you for your concern.
&gt; Thanks,
&gt; ---------------------------------------
&gt; Houliang Qi
&gt; BONC, Ltd
&gt; ---- Replied Message ----
&gt; | From | Xiangdong Huang |
&gt; | Date | 04/11/2023 15:39 |
&gt; | To |  |
&gt; | Subject | Re: [discuss] consider revert the feature of multi-tenancy |
&gt; Hi Houliang,
&gt; It makes no sense to refer Doris.  Doris is not a lightweight db, and
&gt; edge side is never its goal.
&gt; The topic of this discussion is whether to revert the feature of 
&gt; I wonder why you fall into these words.... I think I have mentioned at
&gt; least twice (or maybe 3 times) that Jialin's suggestion is fine for
&gt; me.
&gt; Best,
&gt; -----------------------------------
&gt; Xiangdong Huang
&gt; School of Software, Tsinghua University
&gt; Houliang Qi  于2023年4月11日周二 15:05写道:
&gt; Hi Jinrui,
&gt; (Jinrui) From my perspective, Multi-tenancy is different from 
resource-control and they are not the different term for same thing. According 
to our implementation, current feature focus on the resource control on users 
of one tenant rather than on different tenants. If we did not reflect the 
wording `multi-tenancy` in the code, why do we use it on user docs and PR's 
description ?
&gt; Sorry, I am not agree with you, from my perspective, a user is a tenant, 
and each tenant has different resources. This is also multi-tenancy. Even each 
tenant can only have one db. In our current implementation, a user is a tenant.
&gt; For doris, they also mention multi-tenancy, but it is limited user 
resources.[1], the same as our current implementation.
&gt; For Spanner, a tenant can also have only one db. [2]
&gt; The reason why I think that both multi-tenancy and resource-control are 
suitable for us is that what we are currently doing is to limit the functions 
of users or db resources.
&gt; On this point, I agree with Wang Chao's point of view.
&gt; As for whether the multi-tenant function you mentioned affects the 
positioning of IoTDB, I don't think it is accurate.  I personally think that 
the multi-tenant function is a term for resource isolation technology and will 
not affect the positioning of IoTDB. I don't know how you define the 
multi-tenant function. If it refers to the connection with the billing system 
of the cloud service provider, it may be another form. This discussion will not 
continue to discuss multi-tenancy.
&gt; (Jinrui) REVERT does not mean REJECT. It is only a quick way to keep the 
code more reliable before we reach the same page. And furthermore, I don't 
think it is harmful or discouraging and it is only a regular way we use to 
replace hot-fix.
&gt; (Jinrui) The reviewers may be confused by the PR's description and then 
focus on whether `multi-tenant` should be integrated in current development 
stage of IoTDB.
&gt; The topic of this discussion is whether to revert the feature of 
multi-tenancy. I STRONGLY think that this PR does not violate the positioning 
and future development of IOTDB, so I STRONGLY think that revert is not needed, 
as this function is not enabled by default, and we are continuing Iterate and 
refine this feature. Before the actual release, it is necessary to consider 
some scenarios and do some testing.
&gt; [1] https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/admin-manual/multi-tenant/
&gt; [2] 
&gt; Thanks,
&gt; ---------------------------------------
&gt; Houliang Qi
&gt; BONC, Ltd
&gt; ---- Replied Message ----
&gt; | From | Chao Wang |
&gt; | Date | 04/11/2023 13:42 |
&gt; | To | dev@iotdb.apache.org |
&gt; | Subject | Re: Re:Re: [discuss] consider revert the feature of 
multi-tenancy |
&gt; Everyone's contribution counts. But what we are talking about is whether 
`multi-tenancy` is suitable for current IoTDB's development.
&gt; From my perspective, Multi-tenancy is different from resource-control and 
they are not the different term for same thing. According to our 
implementation, current feature focus on the resource control on users of one 
tenant rather than on different tenants. If we did not reflect the wording 
`multi-tenancy` in the code, why do we use it on user docs and PR's description 
&gt; As I said before, the description is indeed not very clear, and the 
description can be modified as a resource control. So what's the point of 
wondering if this pr is a multi-tenant function? Even if it is a multi-tenant 
function, how will it affect the development of IoTDB?
&gt; REVERT does not mean REJECT. It is only a quick way to keep the code more 
reliable before we reach the same page. And furthermore, I don't think it is 
harmful or discouraging and it is only a regular way we use to replace hot-fix.
&gt; Yes, revert is a normal process, and PR also has some problems. Let's 
discuss the reason for reverting this PR. As Xiangdong said, this is a feature 
that will affect the positioning of IoTDB, so how does this feature affect the 
positioning of IoTDB?
&gt; Agree. But if we don't make it clear before PR merged, pushing forward the 
discussion is better than directly merging, from my side.
&gt; Agree.  I remember sending an email to discuss it. Does that mean that 
every PR needs to send an email to discuss clearly? After all, pushing forward 
the discussion is better than directly merging.
&gt; Thanks!
&gt; Chao Wang
&gt; BONC ltd
&gt; On 4/11/2023 13:10,张金瑞<329920...@qq.com.INVALID&gt; wrote:
&gt; (Sorry for the format issue in previous mail)
&gt; ======
&gt; Hi, all
&gt; I tried this feature locally according to the User Manual, and I am 
blocked at the beginning.
&gt; Firstly, I didn't found the parameters `quota_enable` and 
`rate_limiter_type` in iotdb-common.properties to enable this functionality.
&gt; I am not sure whether it is by design but it is not aligned with the user 
manual. And I have to add these two parameters into configuration file manually.
&gt; Then, I tried the function to limit devices regarding a database and it 
seems some basic functionality is unexpected. See the test step below:
&gt; 1. create a databse named `root.iov` and insert 5 devices into it.
&gt; 2. run the command "set space quota devices=4 on root.iov" to set the 
device limit to 4. It can be executed successfully. (UNEXPECTED)
&gt; 3. try to insert a new devices.
&gt; 4. try to use the command "set space quota devices=8 on root.iov" to 
increase the threshold of device count but failed. (UNEXPECTED)
&gt; 5. I created another database named `sg2` and tried to set quota limit to 
it but failed (UNEXPECTED)
&gt; 6. After this test, I tried another test with more simple scenario but 
still failed.
&gt; The detailed test steps can be found in this doc: 
&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&gt; My confidence in the completeness of testing regarding this feature has 
greatly decreased. And at least from my perspective, I cannot guarantee how 
much impact this feature will have on the user experience.
&gt; On the other hand, I also have some thoughts to share with you regarding 
the questions raised in the previous email.
&gt; &gt;&gt; Leaving aside this feature, has the PR of the big feature we 
merged in been discussed in detail? How to define detailed discussion?
&gt; (Jinrui) I think currently we are focusing on the side effects of this PR, 
whether the discussion is detailed depends on whether we have enough confidence 
of this feature's definition and implementation.
&gt; &gt;&gt; &nbsp;I think that we should discuss some of our discussion 
points clearly at the beginning of the design, instead of how to revert the PR 
after the PR is merged. I think there is a problem with this process.
&gt; (Jinrui) Agree. But if we don't make it clear before PR merged, pushing 
forward the discussion is better than directly merging, from my side.
&gt; &gt;&gt; Who can guarantee that there are no bugs and no problems in the 
developed functions, and we are all improving through continuous iteration
&gt; (Jinrui) Yes. But the developer should do enough tests including different 
scenarios to ensure this feature can work smoothly.
&gt; &gt;&gt; However, reverting will undoubtedly be harmful to the community, 
will discourage the enthusiasm of community participants, and is very 
unfriendly to community participants
&gt; (Jinrui) REVERT does not mean REJECT. It is only a quick way to keep the 
code more reliable before we reach the same page. And furthermore, I don't 
think it is harmful or discouraging and it is only a regular way we use to 
replace hot-fix.
&gt; &gt;&gt; If in doubt, I think it would be better to raise it as soon as 
possible, instead of waiting for others to finish their hard work before 
&gt; (Jinrui) My words has no doubt and offense to anyone and it is only a 
discussion about this issue. Contribution is welcomed and talking is also 
welcomed. If we notice some potential issue which is worth to be talked about, 
any time is ok I think.
&gt; &gt;&gt; This discuss is not for getting "+1" or "-1" (though anyone can 
reply the vote..). I just want to discuss that do we REALLY consider and 
analyze the feature and the implementation carefully?
&gt; (Jinrui) The reviewers may be confused by the PR's description and then 
focus on whether `multi-tenant` should be integrated in current development 
stage of IoTDB.
&gt; &gt;&gt; As for the name of this feature, in doris, it is called 
multi-tenancy[1], in hbase it is called quota[2], we can call it 
resource-control, I think it is ok.
&gt; (Jinrui) From my perspective, Multi-tenancy is different from 
resource-control and they are not the different term for same thing. According 
to our implementation, current feature focus on the resource control on users 
of one tenant rather than on different tenants. If we did not reflect the 
wording `multi-tenancy` in the code, why do we use it on user docs and PR's 
description ?
&gt; &gt;&gt; Another point is that the multi-tenancy function may be a 
function required by other companies' IOTDB releases, but will other people's 
contributions to the community affect the development of the community?
&gt; (Jinrui) Everyone's contribution counts. But what we are talking about is 
whether `multi-tenancy` is suitable for current IoTDB's development.
&gt; Thanks,
&gt; Zhang Jinrui
&gt; Original
&gt; From:"Xiangdong Huang"< saint...@gmail.com &gt;;
&gt; Date:2023/4/11 12:27
&gt; To:"dev"< dev@iotdb.apache.org &gt;;
&gt; Subject:Re: [discuss] consider revert the feature of multi-tenancy
&gt; Hi Houliang,
&gt; Notice that I never said the feature should be reverted because of
&gt; bugs.. The key point is the feature is harmful for Industry users
&gt; because most of them do not like cloud. (that is why I opt for
&gt; Jialin's suggestion).
&gt; &gt; I think that we should discuss some of our discussion points clearly 
at the beginning of the design, instead of how to revert the PR after the PR is 
merged. I think there is a problem with this process.
&gt; It is of course right, but it does not mean that we can not revert a
&gt; PR if it is merged.
&gt; &gt; Leaving aside this feature, has the PR of the big feature we merged 
in been discussed in detail? How to define detailed discussion?
&gt; Yes for each big feature we need a discussion in detail. As I have no
&gt; much time to join all the features, being the PMC chair, at least I
&gt; need to keep the project following its original destination or new
&gt; destination if we all agree.
&gt; Considering my personal time, I judge and intervene featuers which may
&gt; change the product's position. That is why I spent time to discuss
&gt; whether we redesign the cluster mode, whether we split an IoTDB
&gt; instance into two (CN and DN), and whether we tell IoTDB is for
&gt; cloud-native... And that is why I do not care about more detailed
&gt; features..
&gt; Best,
&gt; -----------------------------------
&gt; Xiangdong Huang
&gt; School of Software, Tsinghua University
&gt; Houliang Qi  于2023年4月11日周二 09:51写道:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Hi, all
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Leaving aside this feature, has the PR of the big feature we merged 
in been discussed in detail? How to define detailed discussion?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; I think that we should discuss some of our discussion points clearly 
at the beginning of the design, instead of how to revert the PR after the PR is 
merged. I think there is a problem with this process.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Who can guarantee that there are no bugs and no problems in the 
developed functions, and we are all improving through continuous iteration. And 
this feature also refers to the design of some other excellent projects, such 
as doris and hbase.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; As for the name of this feature, in doris, it is called 
multi-tenancy[1], in hbase it is called quota[2], we can call it 
resource-control, I think it is ok. After all, we did not reflect the wording 
of multi-tenancy in the code implementation.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; [1] https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/admin-manual/multi-tenant
&gt; &gt; [2] https://hbase.apache.org/book.html#quota
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Thanks,
&gt; &gt; ---------------------------------------
&gt; &gt; Houliang Qi
&gt; &gt; BONC, Ltd
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; ---- Replied Message ----
&gt; &gt; | From | Chao Wang |
&gt; &gt; | Date | 04/11/2023 09:15 |
&gt; &gt; | To | dev@iotdb.apache.org |
&gt; &gt; | Cc | dev@iotdb.apache.org |
&gt; &gt; | Subject | Re: [discuss] consider revert the feature of 
multi-tenancy |
&gt; &gt; Hi,  Xiangdong,
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; what is the side effect when we manually create a time series?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; How about the pr https://github.com/apache/iotdb/pull/9430,  limit 
the timeseries number of cluster, anyone analyze the side effect about creating 
a time series?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; This discuss is not for getting "+1" or "-1" (though anyone can reply
&gt; &gt; the vote..).
&gt; &gt; I just want to discuss that do we REALLY consider and analyze the
&gt; &gt; feature and the implementation carefully?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Why not discuss before the PR submission, but wait until the PR 
submission before discussing, wouldn't it waste the energy of community 
participants? I have also seen emails sent before, not without notifying 
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; In addition, I think Jialin's suggestion is more reasonable. The 
description of this function may not be particularly clear. It can be said in 
another way, such as resource control. However, reverting will undoubtedly be 
harmful to the community, will discourage the enthusiasm of community 
participants, and is very unfriendly to community participants. If in doubt, I 
think it would be better to raise it as soon as possible, instead of waiting 
for others to finish their hard work before questioning.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Another point is that the multi-tenancy function may be a function 
required by other companies' IOTDB releases, but will other people's 
contributions to the community affect the development of the community? I think 
it will be more conducive to the development of community diversity.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Thanks!
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Chao Wang
&gt; &gt; BONC ltd
&gt; &gt; ccgow...@163.com
&gt; &gt; On 4/10/2023 23:45,Xiangdong Huang wrote:
&gt; &gt; Besides the above, when we merge this pr, we posted the design in the 
feishu[4] and discussed it online as least two times, and emailed and discussed 
it with everyone[5], it has been passed 10 days.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; I think I know this and I have shown my concern about the possible
&gt; &gt; harm of this featuer  to IoTDB's edge mode...
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; 1) how many side-effects the feature will bring;
&gt; &gt; We have done some tests under[1], which says with 20 databases and 1 
user when we set `quota_enable` to true to enable the multi-tenancy feature, 
the write performance is only slowed down 1.75%, the read latency has not much 
difference, we will do more tests to show the side-effects in the feature.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; The experiment is rather simple...
&gt; &gt; When we really want to show the added codes having no side-effects,
&gt; &gt; all the exepriemnt settings should follow a rule that how to fully
&gt; &gt; expose the possible problems.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; For example, as mult-tenancy limits the available # of devices,
&gt; &gt; timeseries, and the spaces of disk, it should have side-effect on
&gt; &gt; create new device/timeseries, and writing new data.
&gt; &gt; So,
&gt; &gt; - what is the side effect when we manually create a time series?
&gt; &gt; - what is the side effect when we use automatical creating a time 
&gt; &gt; - what is the side effect when we write new data? (as the data can be
&gt; &gt; compressed when it is flushed on disk in async mode, how to check the
&gt; &gt; disk space?). Besides, as it impaces each write operation, we need to
&gt; &gt; focus on write operstions which's batchsize=1.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; This discuss is not for getting "+1" or "-1" (though anyone can reply
&gt; &gt; the vote..).
&gt; &gt; I just want to discuss that do we REALLY consider and analyze the
&gt; &gt; feature and the implementation carefully?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; If not, then this big feature is not the time to be merged (and I will
&gt; &gt; call a vote then), and then let's rethink it and make it really
&gt; &gt; available together.
&gt; &gt; If yes, we also need to   rethink it and improve it for better 
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Best,
&gt; &gt; -----------------------------------
&gt; &gt; Xiangdong Huang
&gt; &gt; School of Software, Tsinghua University
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Chao Wang  于2023年4月10日周一 19:14写道:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Agree with Houliang's opinion.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Thanks!
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Chao Wang
&gt; &gt; BONC ltd
&gt; &gt; On 4/10/2023 19:01,Houliang Qi wrote:
&gt; &gt; -1
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; First of all, thanks Xiangdong for pointing out IoTDB's Charter.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; "RESOLVED, that the Apache IoTDB Project be and hereby is
&gt; &gt; responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
&gt; &gt; related to an IoT native database with high performance
&gt; &gt; for data management and analysis, on the edge and the cloud."
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; As the charter post, IoTDB can be deployed in the cloud, this is why 
we deploy the multi-tenancy feature.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; The cloud can be a public or private cloud if we can deploy only one 
IoTDB cluster, and manage multi databases and users with different resources, 
which will simplify the maintenance.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; -&gt; 1) how many side-effects the feature will bring;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; We have done some tests under[1], which says with 20 databases and 1 
user when we set `quota_enable` to true to enable the multi-tenancy feature, 
the write performance is only slowed down 1.75%, the read latency has not much 
difference, we will do more tests to show the side-effects in the feature.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; -&gt; 2) how to reduce the effect when IoTDB is deployed on the edge.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; We supply one switch about this feature, called `quota_enable`, by 
default this value is false, so it has no effect when IoTDB is deployed on the 
&gt; &gt; This also answers Jinrui's doubt.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; -&gt; 3) some checks failed on WinOS, are they irrelevant?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; No, I think they are not irrelevant, the false check message is about 
the Compaction module, and
&gt; &gt; I see the former pr[2][3] which have been merged 4 days ago has the 
same issue, so I suspect that the compaction module has occasional bugs
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; -&gt; 4) The feature SHOULD be discussed carefully in the community, 
rather that submit PRs and merged after some reviews.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Besides the above, when we merge this pr, we posted the design in the 
feishu[4] and discussed it online as least two times, and emailed and discussed 
it with everyone[5], it has been passed 10 days.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; The IoTDB community is open and different opinions are welcome. After 
all, we all have the same original intention of wanting IoTDB's features to be 
more diverse.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; [1] https://apache-iotdb.feishu.cn/docx/DbqCd8t3EoxlCFx1yYicd9N4n4s
&gt; &gt; [2] 
&gt; &gt; [3] 
&gt; &gt; [4] https://apache-iotdb.feishu.cn/docx/doxcnKOYKDmJ40FpVnVsPMd3nTg
&gt; &gt; [5] https://lists.apache.org/thread/y6dqcm2o7qk0nbkllb61bp8cv6d3m1h7
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Thanks,
&gt; &gt; ---------------------------------------
&gt; &gt; Houliang Qi
&gt; &gt; BONC, Ltd
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; ---- Replied Message ----
&gt; &gt; | From | 张金瑞<329920...@qq.com.INVALID&gt; |
&gt; &gt; | Date | 04/10/2023 15:03 |
&gt; &gt; | To | dev |
&gt; &gt; | Subject | Re:[discuss] consider revert the feature of multi-tenancy 
&gt; &gt; +1,
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Agree with Xiangdong's opinion.&nbsp;
&gt; &gt; And on the other hand,&nbsp; checking this PR's side effects may take 
lot of time&nbsp; and during this period, there may be lots of users using 
latest code to deploy/upgrade their systems. So the best practice is reverting 
this PR until the side-effect is eliminated
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Thanks,
&gt; &gt; Zhang Jinrui,Apache IoTDB PMC
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Original
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; From:"Xiangdong Huang"< saint...@gmail.com &gt;;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Date:2023/4/10 10:05
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; To:"dev"< dev@iotdb.apache.org &gt;;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Subject:[discuss] consider revert the feature of multi-tenancy
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Hi all,
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; I see the multi-tenancy feature is merged, and several committers made
&gt; &gt; a lot of contributions on that.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; As multi-tenancy is quite a big feature, which may change IoTDB's
&gt; &gt; position. The feature SHOULD be discussed carefully in the community,
&gt; &gt; rather that submit PRs and merged after some reviews.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Therefore, I call to revert the PR and discuss ASAP about the feature
&gt; &gt; after that.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; At least, the proposer need to answer the following questions,
&gt; &gt; 1) how many side-effect  the feature will bring;
&gt; &gt; 2) how to reduce the effect when IoTDB is deployed on the edge.
&gt; &gt; 3) some checks failed on WinOS, are they irrelevant?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; I don't mean of rejecting any big contribution to IoTDB or harming the
&gt; &gt; community's diversity, but  accepting this feature is really big
&gt; &gt; decision and it deserves us to take time to deliberate.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Attached IoTDB's Charter:
&gt; &gt; "RESOLVED, that the Apache IoTDB Project be and hereby is
&gt; &gt; responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
&gt; &gt; related to an IoT native database with high performance
&gt; &gt; for data management and analysis, on the edge and the cloud."
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; [1] https://github.com/apache/iotdb/pull/9534/checks
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Best,
&gt; &gt; -----------------------------------
&gt; &gt; Xiangdong Huang
&gt; &gt; School of Software, Tsinghua University

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