Dear friends,

I am Zhan Lu, a first-year postgraduate student at the School of Software,
Tsinghua University, and a contributor to the Apache-IoTDB-Client-Csharp
<> repository.

A new iotdb-client-csharp
<> repository
has been created within the apache organization. Together with many friends
from the open-source community, we have contributed the code from our
earlier Apache-IoTDB-Client-Csharp repository to this new one, intending it
to be a strong foundation for future development and enhancements.

We are committed to the ongoing contribution and maintenance of this
repository to facilitate continuous enhancements.

I cordially invite all community members to utilize this new repository,
and sincerely welcome any feedback or suggestions that can help further its

Thank you for your time. Should you have any questions or need assistance
related to the new repository, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Zhan Lu

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