
The content looks fine.   +1 for name-search.
Xiangdong Huang

Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 于2023年10月25日周三 22:24写道:

> More feedback from the board was that the description is pretty long and
> having it shorted would leave us more wiggle-room in the future.
> Also, should we formally have passed a name-search … if you’re ok with
> this, I would start the Name-Search.
> So that would result in the following resolution:
>       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
> of
>        the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
>        establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
> and
>        maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge
> to
>        the public, related to a columnar storage file format designed for
> time
>        series data.
>        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
>        (PMC), to be known as the "Apache TsFile Project", be and hereby is
>        established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the Apache TsFile be and hereby is responsible for
>        the creation and maintenance of software related to a columnar
> storage
>        file format designed for time series data.
>        RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache TsFile" be and
>        hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
>        direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
>        TsFile Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of
>        the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache TsFile
>        Project; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
> are
>        appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache TsFile
>        Project:
>        - Yuan Tian (jackietien at apache dot org)
>        - Chao Wang (wangchao316 at apache dot org)
>        - Christofer Dutz (cdutz at apache dot org)
>        - Jinrui Zhang (xingtanzjr at apache dot org)
>        - Steve Yurong Su (rong at apache dot org)
>        - Xinyu Tan (tanxinyu at apache dot org)
>        - Haohan Hou (haonan at apache dot org)
>        - Gaofei Cao (gaogaofei at apache dot org)
>        - Jialin Qiao (qiaojialin at apache dot org)
>        - Kun Liu (liukun at apache dot org)
>        - Houliang Qi (neuyilan at apache dot org)
>        - Xiangdong Huang (hxd at apache dot org)
>        - Chao Wang (chaow at apache dot org)
>        - Jianmin Wang (jimwang at apache dot org)
>        - Tian Jiang (jiangtian at apache dot org)
>        - Xinyi Zhao (zhaoxinyi at apache dot org)
>        - Shuo Zhang (shuozhagn at apache dot org)
>        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that {name of the chair} be
>        appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache TsFile, to serve
> in
>        accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
> Directors
>        and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
> retirement,
>        removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and
> be
>        it further
>        RESOLVED, that the Apache TsFile Project be and hereby is tasked
> with
>        the migration and rationalization of the Apache IoTDB TsFile
> subproject;
>        and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache IoTDB
>        TsFile subproject encumbered upon the Apache IoTDB PMC are hereafter
>        discharged.
> Von: Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
> Datum: Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023 um 15:03
> An: dev@iotdb.apache.org <dev@iotdb.apache.org>
> Betreff: AW: [DISCUSS] Apache TsFile Proposal
> So, it seems that this document is based on an incubation proposal … sorry
> … I just reviewed it on a content-level.
> As we’re going straight TLP this should look quite a bit different. So
> I’ll try to whip up a version:
>       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
> of
>        the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
>        establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
> and
>        maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge
> to
>        the public, related to a columnar storage file format designed for
> time
>        series data, which supports efficient compression, high throughput
> of
>        read and write, and compatibility with various frameworks, such as
> Spark
>        and Flink. It is easy to integrate TsFile into IoT big data
> processing
>        frameworks.
>        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
>        (PMC), to be known as the "Apache TsFile Project", be and hereby is
>        established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the Apache TsFile be and hereby is responsible for
>        the creation and maintenance of software related to a columnar
> storage
>        file format designed for time series data, which supports efficient
>        compression, high throughput of read and write, and compatibility
> with
>        various frameworks, such as Spark and Flink. It is easy to
> integrate TsFile
>        into IoT big data processing frameworks.
>        RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache TsFile" be and
>        hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
>        direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
>        TsFile Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of
>        the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache TsFile
>        Project; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
> are
>        appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache TsFile
>        Project:
>        - Yuan Tian (jackietien at apache dot org)
>        - Chao Wang (wangchao316 at apache dot org)
>        - Christofer Dutz (cdutz at apache dot org)
>        - Jinrui Zhang (xingtanzjr at apache dot org)
>        - Steve Yurong Su (rong at apache dot org)
>        - Xinyu Tan (tanxinyu at apache dot org)
>        - Haohan Hou (haonan at apache dot org)
>        - Gaofei Cao (gaogaofei at apache dot org)
>        - Jialin Qiao (qiaojialin at apache dot org)
>        - Kun Liu (liukun at apache dot org)
>        - Houliang Qi (neuyilan at apache dot org)
>        - Xiangdong Huang (hxd at apache dot org)
>        - Chao Wang (chaow at apache dot org)
>        - Jianmin Wang (jimwang at apache dot org)
>        - Tian Jiang (jiangtian at apache dot org)
>        - Xinyi Zhao (zhaoxinyi at apache dot org)
>        - Shuo Zhang (shuozhagn at apache dot org)
>        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that {name of the chair} be
>        appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache TsFile, to serve
> in
>        accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
> Directors
>        and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
> retirement,
>        removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and
> be
>        it further
>        RESOLVED, that the Apache TsFile Project be and hereby is tasked
> with
>        the migration and rationalization of the Apache IoTDB TsFile
> subproject;
>        and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache IoTDB
>        TsFile subproject encumbered upon the Apache IoTDB PMC are hereafter
>        discharged.
> Von: Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
> Datum: Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023 um 12:24
> An: dev@iotdb.apache.org <dev@iotdb.apache.org>
> Betreff: AW: [DISCUSS] Apache TsFile Proposal
> So, I gave the text a little run and tweaked a few parts (I do hope I
> based that on the latest version discussed here):
> # Abstract
> TsFile is a columnar storage file format designed for time series data,
> which supports efficient compression, high throughput of read and write,
> and compatibility with various frameworks, such as Spark and Flink. It is
> easy to integrate TsFile into IoT big data processing frameworks.
> # Proposal
> TsFile is used for managing time series data. Although it is firstly used
> inside IoTDB, many users and companies use TsFile directly as a time series
> data management solution independently. Besides, there is a growing
> requirement for Multi-Language Support of TsFile implementations, such as
> C++, Go and Rust.
> Apache IoTDB community hereby submit this proposal of TsFile as an
> independent Apache project. This proposal outlines the key features and
> benefits of TsFile, along with the integration plan and the need for
> multi-language support.
> # Background
> Time series data is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of
> applications, including IoT, intelligent control, finance, log analysis,
> and monitoring systems.
> TsFile has been developed by the Apache IoTDB community in Java and is
> currently located inside the Apache IoTDB code repository. Users could
> store time series data using TsFile, then read and analyze it in IoTDB,
> Spark and Flink. IoTDB could also generate TsFiles and synchronize TsFiles
> between two IoTDB instances.
> Furthermore, the demand for TsFile implementations in multiple programming
> languages has been growing, as it allows developers to leverage TsFile's
> capabilities in their preferred language.
> # TsFile offers several distinctive features and benefits:
> Efficient Storage and Compression: TsFile employs advanced compression
> techniques to minimize storage requirements, resulting in reduced disk
> space consumption and improved system efficiency.
> Flexible Schema and Metadata Management: TsFile allows for directly write
> data without predefining the schema, which is flexible for data acquisition.
> High Query Performance with time range: TsFile has indexed devices,
> sensors, and time dimensions to accelerate query performance, enabling fast
> filtering and retrieval of time series data.
> Seamless Integration: TsFile is designed to seamlessly integrate with
> existing big data frameworks, such as Spark,  Flink and Hadoop.
> # Rationale
> TsFile is the first existing standard file format for time series data. In
> the industry companies usually write time series data without unification
> or use general columnar file format such as Parquet and ORC, which makes
> data collection and processing complicated without a standard. With TsFile,
> organizations could write data in TsFile inside end devices or gateway,
> then transfer TsFile to the cloud for unified management in IoTDB and other
> systems. In this way, we lower the network transmission and the computing
> resource consumption in the cloud.
> # Initial Goals
> The initial goals include:
> Make TsFile an independent project that has its own SDK and documentation
> that is easier to use.
> Multi-Language Support of TsFile implementations apart from Java, such as
> C++, Go and Rust.
> Integrate more encoding and compression methods in TsFile.
> More tools for TsFile: visualization tool, parsing tool, repair tool.
> # Current Status
> ## Meritocracy
> We plan to invite a subset of the Apache IoTDB committers as initial
> committers of Apache TsFile. And we would like to follow ASF meritocratic
> principles and invite additional developers to participate. We will
> establish the documentation and encourage and monitor community
> participation so that privileges can be extended to those that contribute.
> ## Community
> The TsFile community is grown from the Apache IoTDB Community. The IoTDB
> community is introducing TsFile at many technical conferences. Next, we
> will build the mailing list for more convenience, broader communication and
> archived discussions. We are open to recruiting more developers from
> diverse backgrounds.
> ## Core Developers
> TsFile initial PMCs are from IoTDB community: Christofer Dutz, Xiangdong
> Huang, Jialin Qiao, Steve Yurong Su, Jinrui Zhang, Yuan Tian, Xinyu Tan,
> Haonan Hou, Gaofei Cao, Tian Jiang, Chao Wang(wangchao316), Chao
> Wang(mychaow), Houliang Qi, Kun Liu.
> These people have extensive experience in building database and data
> management system.
> ## Alignment
> The ASF is the natural choice to host the TsFile project as its goal of
> encouraging community-driven open-source projects fits with our vision for
> TsFile. Additionally, many other projects with which we are familiar with
> and expect TsFile to integrate with, such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink and
> Apache IoTDB are hosted by the ASF and we will benefit and provide benefits
> in close proximity to them.
> # Known Risks
> ## Project Name
> TsFile project is used in IoTDB and other scenarios for over 7 years, its
> name is unique.
> ## Orphaned Products
> The core developers plan to work full time on the project. There is very
> little risk of TsFile being abandoned as it is part of Apache IoTDB's
> internal infrastructure. Tsinghua and NEL-BDS Lab relies on TsFile as a
> platform for many long-term research projects. Companies such as Timcho,
> Huawei, BONC, Yonyou will also participate in this project.
> ## Inexperience with Open Source
> All of the core developers have experience with open-source development.
> We have 1 Apache Board member(Christofer Dutz), 2 Apache Members(Xiangdong
> Huang, Jialin Qiao) and 11 Apache IoTDB PMCs in TsFile initial PMCs. We
> have the experience of the Apache way, such as community over code, license
> management, version release, CEV processing, attract committer/pmcs and
> meetups.
> ## Length of Incubation
> There are enough initial PMCs of TsFile know the ASF process well, so we
> apply to go straight to TLP.
> ## Homogeneous Developers
> The current core developers are from diverse groups: Apache IoTDB
> Community, Timecho, BONC, Huawei, eBay, Yonyou and Tsinghua University.
> ## Reliance on Salaried Developers
> Currently, the developers are paid to do work at Timecho, BONC, Huawei and
> Tsinghua University. Also, we have students and researchers/professors
> community in universities, and their researches focus on big data
> management and analytics. It is unlikely that they will change their
> research focus away from big data management. We will work to ensure that
> the ability for the project to continuously be stewarded and to proceed
> forward independent of salaried developers is continued.
> ## Relationships with Other Apache Products
> TsFile is used by Apache IoTDB project as the default data file format.
> TsFile-Spark-connector and TsFile-Flink-connector have been developed to
> support analyzing time series data by using Apache Spark and Flink.
> Overall, TsFile is designed as an open architecture, and it can be
> integrated with many other systems in the future.
> ## An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> We respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubt that it
> will attract contributors and users. Most of the initial developers come
> from Apache IoTDB Community, so we have no intent to use the Apache brand
> for profit. Our goal is making TsFile integrating more with Apache projects
> and letting Apache community more professional in IoT data management.
> # Documentation
> The Documentations:
> https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/V1.2.x/API/Programming-TsFile-API.html
> Examples: https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master/example/tsfile
> # Initial Source
> TsFile core: https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master/iotdb-core/tsfile
> Spark TsFile Connector:
> https://github.com/apache/iotdb/blob/master/iotdb-connector/spark-tsfile
> Flink TsFile Connector:
> https://github.com/apache/iotdb/blob/master/iotdb-connector/flink-tsfile-connector
> # Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> ## External Dependencies
> - zstd-jni: BSD 2-Clause License
> - logback-classic: Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
> - snappy-java: Apache License 2.0
> - commons-io: Apache License 2.0
> - commons-lang3: Apache License 2.0
> - lz4-java: Apache License 2.0
> - gson: Apache License 2.0
> - Jol-core:
> - slice: Apache License 2.0
> - xz: Public Domain
> - Mock: Apache License 2.0
> ## Cryptography
> All codes are public under Apache license 2.0.
> # Required Resources
> ## Mailing Lists
> priv...@tsfile.apache.org<mailto:priv...@tsfile.apache.org>
> d...@tsfile.apache.org<mailto:d...@tsfile.apache.org>
> comm...@tsfile.apache.org<mailto:comm...@tsfile.apache.org>
> ## Git Directory
> Git is the preferred source control system: git://git.apache.org/tsfile
> ## Issue Tracking
> We will use the github issue for TsFile.
> # Initial Committers and PMC
> All initial committers will also be members of the PMC
> - Yuan Tian (jackietien at apache dot org)
> - Chao Wang (wangchao316 at apache dot org)
> - Christofer Dutz (cdutz at apache dot org)
> - Jinrui Zhang (xingtanzjr at apache dot org)
> - Steve Yurong Su (rong at apache dot org)
> - Xinyu Tan (tanxinyu at apache dot org)
> - Haohan Hou (haonan at apache dot org)
> - Gaofei Cao (gaogaofei at apache dot org)
> - Jialin Qiao (qiaojialin at apache dot org)
> - Kun Liu (liukun at apache dot org)
> - Houliang Qi (neuyilan at apache dot org)
> - Xiangdong Huang (hxd at apache dot org)
> - Chao Wang (chaow at apache dot org)
> - Jianmin Wang (jimwang at apache dot org)
> - Tian Jiang (jiangtian at apache dot org)
> - Xinyi Zhao (zhaoxinyi at apache dot org)
> - Shuo Zhang (shuozhagn at apache dot org)
> # Chair
> We propose to nominate {name once this has been decided} as Chair of the
> Apache TsFile PMC.
> # Sponsors
> Apache IoTDB
> # Champion
> Christofer Dutz (cdutz at apache dot org)
> Von: Xiangdong Huang <saint...@gmail.com>
> Datum: Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023 um 10:01
> An: dev@iotdb.apache.org <dev@iotdb.apache.org>
> Betreff: Re: [DISCUSS] Apache TsFile Proposal
> > can you add in apache a initial ts-native for the rust project?
> I think supporting Rust has been introduced:
> - The initial goals include: Multi-Language Support of TsFile
> implementations apart from Java, such as C++, Go and Rust.
> -----------------------------------
> Xiangdong Huang
> Giorgio Zoppi <giorgio.zo...@gmail.com> 于2023年10月25日周三 15:46写道:
> > Hello,
> >  can you add in apache a initial ts-native for the rust project? Sorry
> for
> > being pedantic.
> > Best Regards,
> > Giorgio
> >
> > Il giorno mer 25 ott 2023 alle ore 05:04 Jialin Qiao <
> > qiaojia...@apache.org>
> > ha scritto:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > The TsFile proposal is as follows, feel free to give advice :-)
> > >
> > > Abstract
> > >
> > > TsFile is a columnar storage file format designed for time series
> > > data, which supports efficient compression, high throughput of read
> > > and write, and compatibility with various frameworks, such as Spark
> > > and Flink. It is easy to integrate TsFile into IoT big data processing
> > > frameworks.
> > >
> > > Proposal
> > >
> > > TsFile is used for managing time series data. Although it is firstly
> > > used inside IoTDB, many users and companies use TsFile directly as a
> > > time series data management solution independently. Besides, there is
> > > a growing requirement for Multi-Language Support of TsFile
> > > implementations, such as C++, Go and Rust.
> > >
> > > Apache IoTDB community hereby submit this proposal of TsFile as an
> > > independent Apache project. This proposal outlines the key features
> > > and benefits of TsFile, along with the integration plan and the need
> > > for multi-language support.
> > >
> > > Background
> > >
> > > Time series data is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of
> > > applications, including IoT, intelligent control, finance, log
> > > analysis, and monitoring systems.
> > > TsFile has been developed by Apache IoTDB community in Java and is in
> > > IoTDB repository. Users could store time series data using TsFile,
> > > then read and analyze it in IoTDB, Spark and Flink. IoTDB could also
> > > generate TsFiles and syncronize TsFiles between two IoTDB instances.
> > > Furthermore, the demand for TsFile implementations in multiple
> > > programming languages has been growing, as it allows developers to
> > > leverage TsFile's capabilities in their preferred language.
> > >
> > > TsFile offers several distinctive features and benefits:
> > > Efficient Storage and Compression: TsFile employs advanced compression
> > > techniques to minimize storage requirements, resulting in reduced disk
> > > space consumption and improved system efficiency.
> > > Flexible Schema and Metadata Management: TsFile allows for directly
> > > write data without pre defining the schema, which is flexible for data
> > > aquisition.
> > > High Query Performance with time range: TsFile has indexed devices,
> > > sensors and time dimensions to accelerate query performance, enabling
> > > fast filtering and retrieval of time series data.
> > > Seamless Integration: TsFile is designed to seamlessly integrate with
> > > existing big data frameworks, such as Spark, Flink and Hadoop.
> > >
> > >
> > > Rationale
> > >
> > > Before using TsFile, there doesn't exist a file format for time
> > > series. The industry companies usually write time series data in
> > > various user-defined file format without unification, or use general
> > > columnar file format such as Parquet and ORC, which makes data
> > > collection and processing complicated without a standard. After
> > > TsFile, organizations could write data in TsFile inside end devices or
> > > gateway, then transfer TsFile to the cloud for unified management in
> > > IoTDB and other systems. In this way, we lower the network
> > > transmission and the computing resource consumption in the cloud.
> > >
> > > Initial Goals
> > >
> > > The initial goals include:
> > >
> > > Make TsFile an independent project that has its own SDK and
> > > documentation that is easier to use.
> > > Multi-Language Support of TsFile implementations apart from Java, such
> > > as C++, Go and Rust.
> > > Integrate more encoding and compression method in TsFile.
> > > More tools for TsFile: visualization tool, parsing tool, repair tool.
> > >
> > >
> > > Current Status
> > >
> > > Meritocracy
> > >
> > > We plan to invite the IoTDB committer to be the initial committer of
> > > TsFile. And we would like to follow ASF meritocratic principles and
> > > invite additional developers to participate. We will establish the
> > > documentation and encourage and monitor community participation so
> > > that privileges can be extended to those that contribute.
> > >
> > > Community
> > >
> > > The TsFile community is grown from the Apache IoTDB Community. The
> > > IoTDB community is introducing TsFile at many technical conferences.
> > > Next, we will build the mailing list for more convenience, broader
> > > communication and archived discussions. We are open to recruiting more
> > > developers from diverse backgrounds.
> > >
> > > Core Developers
> > >
> > > TsFile initial PMCs are from IoTDB community: Christofer Dutz,
> > > Xiangdong Huang, Jialin Qiao, Steve Yurong Su, Jinrui Zhang, Yuan
> > > Tian, Xinyu Tan, Haonan Hou, Gaofei Cao, Tian Jiang, Chao
> > > Wang(wangchao316), Chao Wang(mychaow), Houliang Qi, Kun Liu.
> > > These people has extensive experience in building database and data
> > > management system.
> > >
> > > Alignment
> > >
> > > The ASF is the natural choice to host the TsFile project as its goal
> > > of encouraging community-driven open-source projects fits with our
> > > vision for TsFile. Additionally, many other projects with which we are
> > > familiar with and expect TsFile to integrate with, such as Apache
> > > Spark, Apache Flink and Apache IoTDB are hosted by the ASF and we will
> > > benefit and provide benefits in close proximity to them.
> > >
> > > Known Risks
> > >
> > > Project Name
> > >
> > > TsFile project is used in IoTDB and other scenarios for over 7 years,
> > > its name is unique.
> > >
> > > Orphaned Products
> > >
> > > The core developers plan to work full time on the project. There is
> > > very little risk of TsFile being abandoned as it is part of Apache
> > > IoTDB's internal infrastructure. Tsinghua and NEL-BDS Lab relies on
> > > TsFile as a platform for a large number of long-term research
> > > projects. Companies such as Timcho, Huawei, BONC, Yonyou will also
> > > participated in this project.
> > >
> > > Inexperience with Open Source
> > >
> > > All of the core developers have experience with open source
> > > development. We have 1 Apache Board member(Christofer Dutz), 2 Apache
> > > Members(Xiangdong Huang, Jialin Qiao) and 11 Apache IoTDB PMCs in
> > > TsFile initial PMCs. We have the experience of the Apache way, such as
> > > community over code, license management, version release, CEV
> > > processing, attract committer/pmcs and meetups.
> > >
> > > Length of Incubation
> > >
> > > There are enough initial PMCs of TsFile know the ASF process well, so
> > > we apply to go straight to TLP.
> > >
> > > Homogeneous Developers
> > >
> > > The current core developers are from diverse groups: Apache IoTDB
> > > Community, Timecho, BONC, Huawei, eBay, Yonyou and Tsinghua
> > > University.
> > >
> > > Reliance on Salaried Developers
> > >
> > > Currently, the developers are paid to do work at Timecho, BONC, Huawei
> > > and Tsinghua University. Also we have students and
> > > researchers/professors community in universities, and their researches
> > > focus on big data management and analytics. It is unlikely that they
> > > will change their research focus away from big data management. We
> > > will work to ensure that the ability for the project to continuously
> > > be stewarded and to proceed forward independent of salaried developers
> > > is continued.
> > >
> > > Relationships with Other Apache Products
> > >
> > > TsFile is used by Apache IoTDB project as the default data file
> > > format. TsFile-Spark-connector and TsFile-Flink-connector have been
> > > developed to support analysing time series data by using Apache Spark
> > > and Flink.
> > > Overall, TsFile is designed as an open architecture, and it can be
> > > integrated with many other systems in the future.
> > >
> > > An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> > >
> > > We respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubt that
> > > it will attract contributors and users. Most of the initial developers
> > > come from Apache IoTDB Community, so we have no intent to use the
> > > Apache brand for profit. Our goal is making TsFile integrating more
> > > with Apache projects and letting Apache community more professional in
> > > IoT data management.
> > >
> > > Documentation
> > >
> > > The Documentations:
> > >
> >
> https://iotdb.apache.org/UserGuide/V1.2.x/API/Programming-TsFile-API.html
> > > Examples: https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master/example/tsfile
> > >
> > > Initial Source
> > >
> > > TsFile core:
> > https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master/iotdb-core/tsfile
> > > Spark TsFile Connector:
> > >
> https://github.com/apache/iotdb/blob/master/iotdb-connector/spark-tsfile
> > > Flink TsFile Connector:
> > >
> > >
> >
> https://github.com/apache/iotdb/blob/master/iotdb-connector/flink-tsfile-connector
> > >
> > >
> > > Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> > >
> > > External Dependencies
> > >
> > > zstd-jni: BSD 2-Clause License
> > > logback-classic: Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
> > > snappy-java: Apache License 2.0
> > > commons-io: Apache License 2.0
> > > commons-lang3: Apache License 2.0
> > > lz4-java: Apache License 2.0
> > > gson: Apache License 2.0
> > > slice: Apache License 2.0
> > > xz: Public Domain
> > > Mock: Apache License 2.0
> > >
> > >
> > > Cryptography
> > >
> > > All codes are public under Apache license 2.0.
> > >
> > > Required Resources
> > >
> > >
> > > Mailing Lists
> > >
> > > priv...@tsfile.apache.org
> > > d...@tsfile.apache.org
> > > comm...@tsfile.apache.org
> > >
> > > Subversion Directory
> > >
> > > Git is the preferred source control system: git://
> git.apache.org/tsfile
> > >
> > > Issue Tracking
> > >
> > > JIRA TsFile (TsFile)
> > >
> > > Initial Committers
> > >
> > > Yuan Tian (jackietien at apache dot org)
> > > Chao Wang (wangchao316 at apache dot org)
> > > Christofer Dutz (cdutz at apache dot org)
> > > Jinrui Zhang (xingtanzjr at apache dot org)
> > > Steve Yurong Su (rong at apache dot org)
> > > Xinyu Tan (tanxinyu at apache dot org)
> > > Haohan Hou (haonan at apache dot org)
> > > Gaofei Cao (gaogaofei at apache dot org)
> > > Jialin Qiao (qiaojialin at apache dot org)
> > > Kun Liu (liukun at apache dot org)
> > > Houliang Qi (neuyilan at apache dot org)
> > > Xiangdong Huang (hxd at apache dot org)
> > > Chao Wang (chaow at apache dot org)
> > > Jianmin Wang (jimwang at apache dot org)
> > > Tian Jiang (jiangtian at apache dot org)
> > > Xinyi Zhao (zhaoxinyi at apache dot org)
> > > Shuo Zhang (shuozhagn at apache dot org)
> > >
> > > Sponsors
> > > Champion:TBD
> > > Nominated Mentors:TBD
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -----------------
> > > Jialin Qiao
> > > Apache IoTDB PMC
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Life is a chess game - Anonymous.
> >

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