Hi Dev Team,

I'm writing to discuss the auto balancing feature in IoTDB, which currently is 
operational for data region. This feature is designed to optimize resource use, 
maximize throughput, minimize response time, and prevent overloading on any 
individual resource. 

However, it's presently inactive by default for the schema region.The initial 
rationale for this decision was based on the instability observed in the 
underlying consensus (Ratis) during leader transitions. In scenarios where a 
leader election failed, the previous leader was forced to step down and the new 
leader is not elected out. This situation may led to temporary unavailability 
in the schema region.

Encouragingly, with the upgrade to Ratis 3.0.0, ratis community introduced a 
notable enhancement in leader transition processes. 3.0.0 facilitates smoother 
transitions between nodes and we've successfully incorporated as detailed in 
our recent PR: 

Given these advancements, I propose we revisit our current settings for the 
schema region. Specifically, I recommend enabling the auto balance feature by 
default for the schema region.  What do you think?

Best regards,


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