Hi, Xinyu

Thank you for your review. I have compiled the content of our
discussion into a PR: https://github.com/apache/iotdb/pull/12088, and
added safepoint’s log printing introduction to this PR based on your

At the same time, any other reviews are highly welcomed and feel free
to reach out any opinions :)

PR links: https://github.com/apache/iotdb/pull/12088

Best regards,
Junzhi Peng

Xinyu Tan <tanxi...@apache.org> 于2024年2月21日周三 17:16写道:
> Hi, Junzhi
> Thank you for your meticulous study of JVM default parameters. It's really 
> cool.
> Given that IoTDB is applicable to many scenarios, including edge and cloud 
> sides, adjusting default parameters is always challenging to benefit all 
> scenarios. I support the current choice of parameters, commenting out some 
> parameters whose benefits and harms are uncertain, but explaining through 
> comments the scenarios in which they are beneficial. Commit parameters that 
> are definitively beneficial and harmless.
> Additionally, further introduction is needed on which logs the 
> SafepointTimeout parameter should be printed to, which can be added to the 
> comments~
> Thanks
> ------------------------
> Xinyu Tan
> On 2024/02/21 04:29:06 Junzhi Peng wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We have recently investigated some GC options. Based on the product
> > scenarios of IoTDB, we have selected some general JVM GC options. For
> > options that are completely beneficial and harmless, we plan to
> > directly add them to the default startup options of IoTDB; For options
> > that are only beneficial in some specific scenarios, we plan to add
> > them to default startup options through comments and explain their
> > usage. Please review~
> >
> > 1. Directly added options:
> >
> > -Xss512k: This option is intended to optimize the memory occupied by
> > threads. The default value is 1m. Based on our research and actual
> > usage scenarios of iotdb, we suggest that the thread stack size of
> > 512k is sufficient. Many online business systems also set up in this
> > way.
> >
> > -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions: Used to unlock some diagnostic JVM
> > options, such as -XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval. This option itself
> > has no direct impact on performance.
> >
> > -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints: Prevent the delay in entering the safe
> > point caused by large bounded loops from causing the GC STW time to be
> > too long.
> >
> > -XX:+SafepointTimeout -XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay=1000: These two
> > options will monitor the waiting time of the jvm threads in safepoint.
> > If it exceeds 1000ms, the state of the corresponding threads will be
> > printed to the log to help us troubleshoot the problem of too long
> > safepoint stw time.
> >
> > -XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval=0: Disable scheduled safepoint tasks.
> > In high concurrency scenarios of IoTDB, it is not necessary to enter
> > the safepoint regularly, but may cause additional overhead.
> >
> > -XX:-UseBiasedLocking: Disable biased lock. In high concurrency
> > scenarios of IoTDB, biased locks are basically useless and have
> > negative effects with safepoints. In fact, biased locking has been
> > disabled by default since JDK15.
> >
> > -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy: Turn on GC adaptive tuning(Ergonomics)
> >
> > 2. Added through comments:
> >
> > -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled: Turn on parallel processing of Reference
> > objects in GC process. This option may help if particularly long
> > reference processing times are observed in the GC logs. Please note:
> > because this option consumes thread resources, it may have an impact
> > on application's throughput.
> >
> > CPU_PROCESSOR_NUM=$(nproc) -XX:ParallelGCThreads=${CPU_PROCESSOR_NUM}:
> > Set the processing thread of parallel gc to the number of machine CPU
> > cores. Please note: When the GC time is too long, if there are
> > remaining CPU resources, you can try to increase this option. Although
> > this will occupy application thread resources, but because the GC
> > becomes faster, it will have minor impact on the application. If CPU
> > resources have reached a bottleneck, increasing this option may make
> > application slower even if it makes the GC faster.
> >
> > -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch: Force the operating system to allocate all memory
> > in advance when the JVM starts, so that all heap areas are allocated
> > physical memory. It can reduce the overhead caused by memory
> > allocation, page fault interrupts, etc. during JVM operation. In some
> > large memory scenarios, we have observed about 10% improvement in
> > throughput with this option. Please note: The use of this option will
> > cause the JVM to start slower. At the same time, the physical memory
> > usage of iotdb will reach the maximum heap memory immediately after
> > JVM startup, which may reduce memory utilization and trigger OOM
> > killer when memory is tight.
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > —————————————
> > Junzhi Peng
> >

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