Hi all,

As introduced in the official documentation(
the previous modeling method of IoTDB was a tree model, which formed a full
path of a sequence from the root node to the leaf node, and a device path
from the root node to the second-to-last layer node. The previous query
syntax of IoTDB was very similar to the standard relational SQL, centered
on the sequence, with the sequence prefix name in `from clause` and the
sequence suffix name in `select clause`. This query syntax is not very
friendly to users who are accustomed to relational SQL, and they cannot
apply their previous query experience to IoTDB.

Therefore, we are designing a new schema model called table model for
IoTDB. We will provide data to users in a table view in the same way as
relational databases. Each kind of device belongs to a table, and users can
use standard SQL to query this table, which greatly reduces the learning
curve of IoTDB.

The functional specs for table model can be found in
https://timechor.feishu.cn/docx/C2eodP84VoJ0kuxgbhlc1fejnsh,and our dev
branch is ty/TableModelGrammar。Syntax Definition file for Table model can
be found

To support the table model, we also need to change the current tsfile
format, so we need to upgrade tsfile version from V3 to V4, the new file
format for tsfile V4 can be seen in

Our development is currently at a very early stage, and we would like to
invite you to discuss the functionality of the table model. Your feedback
is valuable to us and will help us shape the development of this feature.

Best regards,
Yuan Tian

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