Hi Adam,

You're not the only one who wants this. :-)

I have done some work on creating a tutorial [1].  I am just at the
start. Is also contains a simplified archetype.



[1] https://github.com/misl/Bragger

Op 6-2-2013 21:30, Adam Howard schreef:
> Replied inline. TL;DR I'm happy with the current state of the wrj
> archetype. I think what is needed is documentation of how to go about
> adding new components as you're working on your own project (adding a
> different objectstore, adding junit viewer, etc.) And since I want it I
> guess it falls on me to write it up :)
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Dan Haywood 
> <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk>wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> I have no problem with us also supporting such a blank archetype.
>> Previously our archetypes was based on the claims example app, which was 3
>> domain entities rather than just the one in the current wrj archetype...
>> the reason being to make it quickly easy to get something going.  My
>> expectation is that people would rename the ToDo class to Customer, or
>> whatever.  But if you're finding it tiresome to strip out what is in ToDo,
>> then perhaps others do too?
> I guess that makes sense and there really are just a handful of files that
> need to be edited or deleted:
> - TodoItem.java
> - TodoItems.java
> - TodoItemsFixture.java
> - TodoItemsFixtureService.java
> - TodoItemsJdo.java
> - welcome.html
> And now that you mention it I have referred back to the annotations and
> patterns used in those files when writing my own classes so maybe it's a
> good thing. One question: can the pom <name> field be set during archetype
> creation? Right now I enter my choice for group and artifact ids but the
> name is always "Quickstart Wicket/Restful/JDO App".
> With respect to using inmemory vs JDO, there's no need to write
>> JDO-specific implementations of the repositories; a naive impl also works,
>> even if the JDO objectstore is configured.  Perhaps this isn't easy to grok
>> from the documentation.  Given that we configure the JDO objectstore to run
>> with the inmemory HSQLDB, my thoughts are that it's pretty low ceremony
>> already
> So I turned jdo support back on and immediately had to add
> PersistenceCapable annotations to my classes (both entities and value
> objects) and select an IdentityType and then my Fixture that creates a few
> sample objects failed to run. I switched back to the in-memory store at
> that point. It's not a lot of work to add the in-memory dependency so this
> is something I can easily do on my projects.
> With respect to viewers, another option for a "prototyping" sort of
>> archetype is also dnd viewer.  Although we've now (since removing the
>> client/server remoting component) pretty much deprecated this for
>> production use, the dnd viewer has proven its worth over past years as a
>> good modelling tool.  If you look under examples/applications, you can see
>> that there's the outline of such an application already there (though not
>> tested recently).  I also thought that this might incorporate the BDD and
>> junit viewers (not that I've formally released those as TLP releases, yet).
> This is where things get tricky for a "default" new project archetype. My
> preference for default viewer will be different from others default. And
> the nature of the project can also come into play. For the project I'm
> working on, I want to deploy to Heroku for demo purposes with minimal
> overhead so for me that's Wicket + In-memory. Rob might want to default to
> Scimpi. Jeroen might just want RO for a specific project. I don't know if
> maven allows on-the-fly creation of archetypes at that fine-grained level.
> After talking through all of this I guess what we have now in the wrj
> archetype is the right place to start a new project in that it includes the
> most active components.
>> I'm cc'ing this reply to users mailing list to see if there are any
>> opinions from folks only on that list.
>> Cheers
>> Dan
>  --
> Adam

ir. ing. Minto van der Sluis
Software innovator / renovator
Xup BV

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