Hello Dan,

The idea of an android viewer sounds wonderful. I think it will be
wonderful if we can have a ORM like ( DAO pattern based ) web service
client library on android.  This will help app developers to prototype
rapidly without spending too much time on server side development.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Dan Haywood

> Hi Upeksha,
> Thanks for your interest in possibly working on this ticket as your GSOC
> project.
> On ISIS-371 you said:
> *I am Dimuthu Upeksha a Computer Engineering Undergraduate. This year I
> hope to participate GSoC 2013 and found Isis project interesting at the
> very beginning I watch the video[1] about isis. I'm good at java web
> development using frameworks like Spring,hibernate,Struts 2 and
> persistence, and Php development using Codeignitor and Kohana frameworks.
> As well I'm an android app developer. But I'm quite new to Isis and related
> technologies like RESTful API so if you can provide me information about
> how to start with Isis and other technologies, it will be a great help for
> me to move on. *
> It would be a good idea for you to use Isis to build a simple(ish) domain
> application, using Maven quickstart to get going, choosing a domain that
> might make sense to use from an Android phone or tablet.  That'll give you
> a good idea of what Isis is all about.
> I then suggest you play around with the Restful Objects API from chrome
> using plugins such as json-view and RESTconsole.  It would also be a good
> idea to download the Restful Objects spec from [2] and start reading it :-)
> If you do your work on github, then I can easily review your code and help
> you out if you get stuck.  And if you end up doing this project, it'll also
> be a starting point for your development of an Android viewer.
> With respect to what it takes to build a viewer, it's easiest to break out
> into separate stories, and tackle them incrementally.  On my blog [3] you
> can see a list of stories that I recently prepared.
> ~~~
> Could I also ask that you subscribe to the dev@isis.apache.org mailing
> list
> (if you haven't already)?  If this project is to be accepted, we require
> that any development is done "the Apache way", which means that it is open
> and through our mailing list.
> In the meantime, I'll also see who in the dev community might want to
> mentor you.  It might well be me, but I don't want to spread myself too
> thinly, and there should, in any case, be a back-up mentor.
> Thx
> Dan
> Apache Isis PMC Chair
> [2] http://restfulobjects.org
> [3] http://danhaywood.com/resources/viewer-stories/

*Deepak Gopalakrishnan*
*Skype* : deepakgk87

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