On 14 March 2014 11:09, Dileepa Jayakody <dileepajayak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My current idea is that it will follow below flow of operations.
>  1. User authorizes ReputationBox to connect to his mailbox to read email
> (probably using OAuth2)

I presume that this would be actioned from within ReputationBox (RB),
ultimately by invoking an action on some domain object or service?

At present the only thing a domain action can do is to return a URL; this
is then opened up (by the browser, via Ajax) in a separate tab).

It isn't possible to set up cookies etc on this action, and I imagine that
they would be needed in order to do the oauth interaction dance.

As a first iteration, I think it'd make most sense to implement this
outside of the Isis wicket viewer (ie in a custom servlet).  This custom
servlet could use the IsisSessionTemplate class to then interact with Isis,
and shove the relevant credentials into an appropriate domain object.

>  2. ReputationBox performs an initial reputation-analysis process to
> build a reputation-index over the past emails imported as a batch. (This
> initial reputation-index will be used as the training-data to analyse new
> incoming emails)

Once the oauth credentials have been obtained and are held within the
Isis-managed domain, then this looks like it should probably be done

You could the backgroundService + a Quartz scheduler to pick up a request
to perform the initial reputation analysis process, and have it store its
results in appropriate domain objects.

>  3. New emails are polled/ pushed to ReputationBox server and
> reputation-analysis is performed real-time to asses the reputation.

I prefer the idea of pushing emails to RB, but if that's the case, then why
not use it everywhere (including the initial export?)  That'd remove the
need for the oauth/custom servlet stuff in (1) above.

>  4. Email reputation data is stored as a special header in the email
> itself OR stored in a special IMAP directory in the user's mailbox (need to
> decide on the reputation data storage mechanism)

This also sounds like the email server should call out to the RB server.
 It'd be interesting to see how tools such as SpamAssassin [1] do this.

> 5. ReputationBox client is either a web-app OR a plugin to an existing
> web-mail client (eg :gmail) that represents the reputation data of the new
> emails (based on the reputation data in the email the client could be
> implemented as a priority-inbox, spam-filter, email categorizer etc)

The bit that's not clear to me is whether this is pull or push for both the
initial analysis and the ongoing attachment of headers.  From your diagram
on the ISIS-736 ticket it looks a bit like the RB client is actually a
gmail plugin, and then the RB server is probably the domain surfaced by
Isis' Restful Objects viewer.

The Wicket viewer would then be an "administrative" console to also
browse/amend reputation data.

Overall... think this is doable; just not sure if the oauth2 integration is
actually required.


[1] http://spamassassin.apache.org/

> Please see the high-level architecture diagram attached here to get a
> better idea of my system architecture. I can also send a SRS draft if you
> are interested.
> The entities I have in my mind are : email-sender, email-message,
> reputation-profile.
> Suggestions and ideas on how I can utilize Isis framework and it's tools
> for my application are most welcome.
> Thanks,
> Dileepa
>> In particular, I'm interested to know what the entities are, and I'm also
>> interested in about the integrations between the app and the users' meil
>> client.  For example: how does the app get hold of these emails to assess
>> reputation; is it a batch import, real-time, something else; and how does
>> the Isis app then add in reputation scores later (does it interact with
>> the
>> email server, perhaps).
>> Thx
>> Dan
>> On 14 March 2014 09:49, Dileepa Jayakody <dileepajayak...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >
>> > I'm Dileepa Jayakody a MSc research student from University of Moratuwa,
>> > Sri Lanka. I'm doing my research project on the topic : reputation
>> > assessment in emails.
>> > My project goal is to introduce reputation data as a attribute to
>> emails,
>> > which could be used for various applications such as spam-filtering,
>> > priority inboxes, social-networking, etc.
>> >
>> > I'm planning to adopt a prototype model to develop my application. And I
>> > find Apache Isis a great framework to implement such applications mainly
>> > focusing on my domain model. I'm interested in the GSoC idea : build a
>> > "real-life" app in some suitable domain, along with a semi-academic
>> > write-up of their learning [1] and wish to seek your opinion on whether
>> > implementing my project using Apache Isis can be considered a GSoC
>> project.
>> > I'm willing to write a paper on the project implementation, highlighting
>> > the features, usage details of the framework.
>> >
>> > As suggested by Dan I took a look at the thesis on  "Naked Objects",
>> > chapter 7 on the implementation comparison of CarServ (conventional vs
>> Isis
>> > usage). In this GSoC project idea, do you  think the student must do 2
>> > developments; one in conventional way and another using Isis? In that
>> case
>> > it might be difficult for a research project such as mine.
>> >
>> > WDYT?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Dileepa
>> >
>> > [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-736
>> >

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