~$ mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.6.0
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 11.0.6, vendor: Debian, runtime: 
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-18362-microsoft", arch: "amd64", family: 


For the build we recommend using JDK-8 or JDK-11 with maven 3.6.x.
Build on JDK-14 is known to fail (that's work in progress).

Cheers, Andi

On 19.03.2020 09:29, Dan Haywood wrote:
*Hello to all in these strange times.  Hope you are all well and keeping

*To keep your spirits up, I've just cut a new release of the Apache Isis
Framework. This is the next milestone towards v2.0, and in it the framework
has been "replatformed" to run on top of Spring Boot.*

*We've also removed the helloworld and simpleapp mvn archetypes, instead
these are separate repos on github ... this makes them easier to maintain,
and is arguably more familiar to most devs than mvn archetypes.*

*The other big change is the website, now converted to use Antora (a static
website  generator from the same team who develop Asciidoctor itself).  The
older versions of the website for 1.x  re still accessible, and the new
home page still shows how to use the older 1. archetypes.  NB:  there are
still quite a few TODOs in the website, but these will be fixed before the
next milestone.*

*OK, so with that preamble out of the way, onto the detail:*

The source code zip artifact has been uploaded to a staging repository on
https://repository.apache.org, along with its corresponding .asc signature.

In the source code repo the code has been tagged as isis-2.0.0-M3-RC1;
see https://github.com/apache/isis/tags

To verify the source code itself, you can use the following commands
(in an empty directory):


curl https://downloads.apache.org/isis/KEYS > /tmp/KEYS
gpg --import /tmp/KEYS

rm -rf isis-$VERSION*

curl -O -L

chmod +x ./verify-isis-release.sh
./verify-isis-release.sh $NEXUSREPONUM $VERSION $RC

You can then test the helloworld or simpleapp starter apps, see:

You can also inspect the website in general, available at:

Please verify the release and cast your vote.
The vote will be open for a minimum of 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ]  0
[ ] -1

*Best regards,*

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