Dear all,

My preferences:
1. Alma.
3. Kokoro.

Loving all similes with Isis capabilities.



El mié, 25 may 2022 a las 9:05, Johan Doornenbal (<>) escribió:

> My preferences in the order of liking are
> [1] alma
> then
> [2] causeway
> and
> [3] kokoro
> Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
> Johan Doornenbal
> M 06 227 666 28
> <>
> Griene Daam 7
> 9084 DG Goutum
> Op di 24 mei 2022 om 10:47 schreef Dan Haywood <
> >:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > We've talked a lot about changing the name of the framework, see for
> > example ISIS-1303 [1].  So this thread, is, finally, to start the process
> >
> > There have been an awful lot of suggestions; talking informally/offline
> > with the other committers, we think there are a few front-runners.  So
> the
> > vote below lists these, but if none appeal then you can vote for
> something
> > else.
> >
> > So, please cast vote your vote for one of the following:
> >
> > 1. change the framework's name to Apache *Alma*
> > 2. change the framework's name to Apache *Causeway*
> > 3. change the framework's name to Apache *Kokoro*
> > 4 *don't change *the framework's name
> > 5. do change the framework's name, but I don't like any of them, give me
> > some *other choices*!
> >
> > Background on the first three choices:
> >
> > *Alma* - technically speaking, is a piece of wood (a little round pole)
> > within a stringed instrument such as a violin [2], connecting the
> > soundboards etc.  What it means though "heart" or "soul" -think "alma
> > mater", so the metaphor is that we are connecting business with
> technology,
> > or acting as the heart of the business.
> >
> > *Causeway* - taken from the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, a
> > geological feature characterised by hexagonal basalt columns [3].  The
> > metaphor here is again "causeway" meaning bridge, but the hexagons also
> are
> > reminiscent of the hexagonal architecture common to DDD.
> >
> > *Kokoro* - is a Japanese word meaning something connecting heart, mind,
> > body and spirit [4].  It has been trendy in the past to use Japanese
> words.
> >
> > In case anyone wants a reminder, our current name *Isis* comes from the
> > name of the River Thames as it wanders through Oxford  (the original
> > authors of the framework all used to live in Oxfordshire).  Isis of
> course
> > was an Egyptian goddess [5].
> >
> > For voting, hopefully there will be a clear winner, but it might make
> sense
> > to rank your preferences.  If there are no clear winners then, well,
> we'll
> > go round the loop - we don't want to force through a change that no-one
> is
> > happy with.
> >
> > Normally votes are at least 72 hours, but we intend to keep this one open
> > longer than that, at least we've had a few contributions to the thread.
> > Only committers to the framework have a formal vote, but it'd be good to
> > hear the views of as many users of the framework as we can.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Dan  (co-drafted with Johan).
> >
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> >
> > [3]
> >
> >
> > [4]
> >
> >
> > [5]
> >
> >
> > .
> >

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