I am trying to execute very simple queries using the default repository 
setup and the queries are failing:

Here is how I'm getting the QueryManager and executing the query

    String statement = "/Perf";
    QueryManager queryManager = (QueryManager)workspace.getQueryManager();
    Query query = queryManager.createQuery(statement, Query.XPATH);
    QueryResult qResult = query.execute();
    NodeIterator iter = qResult.getNodes();
    System.out.println("Query = " + statement + "      #hits = " + 

The iterator size is always 0.   My hierarchy starts with /Perf and there 
are many nodes below Perf.  I have  a repository explorer that displays 
the hierarchy and confirms the nodes are there.  Is there something I'm 
missing?  Where would you begin to debug this?  I've traced it to the 
LuceneQueryBuilder, but haven't gone much further.  How can I determine 
what's in the indices?


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