Marcel Reutegger <marcel.reutegger <at>> writes:

> Cédric Damioli wrote:
> > Jukka Zitting a écrit :
> >> 2) Support for predicates in location steps:
> >>
> >>    
> >> //element(*,nt:file)[ <at> jcr:created>'...']/jcr:content[ <at>
> >>
> >>  
> >>
> > This one already works, don't it ?
> > I run many queries like this one in my app.
> > I don't know if it belongs to JCR 1.0, but Jackrabbit handles it correctly.
> as per the jcr specification only a predicate at the last location step 
> must be supported. so, this is an extension to the jcr 1.0 spec that 
> might find its way into jsr-283.
> btw, thanks for the priority lists sent so far.
> regards
>   marcel
My wish is that jackrabbit supports searches expressions like this (in sql):
SELECT * FROM my:base WHERE jcr:path LIKE '/FOLDER1/F%'
(where "jcr:path would be whatever other word that could refers to the path...)

So whatever the name of the child nodes of /FOLDER1, if it begins with "F" and
it is kind of "my:base", it will be returned and theirs child nodes too.
I don't know if this kind of wish was already posted by someone, but, only to
increase this list, here you are.


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