I've searched in forum the following post:  
"....Hi all,

I'm wondering about the meaning and the use cases of the OnParentVersion
attribute on Nodes and Properties in JackRabbit, in particular
concerning INITIALIZE and COMPUTE values.
According to the JCR spec, it may exist a "way" to dynamically set
values during versioning operations, but the spec does not say much more.

And searching in the Jackrabbit source code did not help me either...

Are these features implemented ? Can someone point me to the right ...."

The doubt is the same I have. I need to charge a property automatically in its 
creation, like occurs with jcr:primaryType. I saw there is a class that does 
this implementation, but only for properties known by jackrabbit.
Could I configure some properties to be charged by the same way those that are 
with the atribute onParentVersion=COMPUTE ???
Its very important for me, thanks.

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