Hi All,

Dave, thanks a lot for your input.

. Screenshots or easily downloadable sample app which
actually does something with custom node types. the base war
download is good, but how far could you go with it. Most open
source applications have a contacts application or a phone book,
or something similar. something that has a face, like a jsp to
view whats in the repository would be great
. the wiki has not been updated regularly, either the information is old or not 
many people go to it
. the deployment models - creating a complete tomcat dist, which has the 
various deployment options running right out of the box would be nice.
. a java example to add node types, for example for a phone book, which CRUDs 
the  node types would be nice
. maybe a page, which lists the possibilities of applications that could be 
built with JR will be useful for newbies.

I completely agree with you that all of the above are excellent measures
that we should be looking at to ease the adoption of new
"content application" developers. I think it is very important that people
get things up and running very quickly and are equipped with very good
user documentation.

Personally, I think we have to separate the concerns though, I think
Jukka's initial post was going into the direction of making the internals
of the core more accessible to more developers.

I think that there are a number of steps that we can take into that
direction and I also think that for example the separation eventually
provided by the SPI will bring some more architectural clarity.

While I agree that we need to have a modular design where people can
plug-in their extensions at certain defined interfaces and extension points,
I would discourage the idea that every user needs to be able to submit
patches to the core.

In my mind the core should be very compact and very controlled since
it has to be extremely stable and scalable, meaning that there is not
really a need to have dozens of developers working on a more
"smallish" core.


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