
On 9/6/06, David Nuescheler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Got it. Generally, I am more of a "given the right eyeballs, all bugs
are shallow" type of person to begin with.

Perhaps we can find common ground at "enough right eyeballs". ;-)

If I currently take look at the "shallowness" of actual "core" bugs ;)
in Jackrabbit I see that the Jackrabbit community has an
outstanding bug resolution time. To me this is probably one of the
biggest strengths of Jackrabbit and its community.
Do you see this as a weakness that needs improvement?

Definitely not. :-) What I do see as a weakness is that we rely on a
handful of core developers to keep up this level of support when we
could better tap the great potential within the community. In fact I'd
rather see the core developers spending more time being proactive
designing new features and improvements (like improving performance,
scalability, etc.) than reactive analyzing user issues when large
parts of that work could be distributed.

I think in the end it all boils down to matter of priorities and
I would be very interested in having a discussion around what
we think drives and hinders the Jackrabbit adoption and community
today and tomorrow, and therefore what we should focus on.

+1 There's already quite a lot of feedback on the adoption part, but
that would need to be summarized and analyzed to better focus the


Jukka Zitting

Yukatan - http://yukatan.fi/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software craftsmanship, JCR consulting, and Java development

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