
I can't help noticing that two out of three projects on <http://jackrabbit.zones.apache.org/continuum/servlet/continuum/target/Summary.vm/fid/continuumProject> are in status "build error".

With respect to Jackrabbit itself, this is because of a recent code change; maybe the test cases that now fail are incorrect, but either way, this really should be resolved so that other developers do not have to spend time figuring out what's wrong. In doubt, back out the change that causes the test case failure until the problem is understood and fixed.

Looking at SPI: I'm not sure whether this is an actual bug, or our config for "testcases to be skipped" is still incomplete? Last time we had success here was on July 23.

Finally, maybe it would be good if Continuum would send out emails to this list when builds break. Jukka, would that be feasible?

Best regards, Julian

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