Jukka Zitting wrote:

To best manage the change I would like to start a separate
jackrabbit-jsr283 component that would contain tentative JCR 2.0
extension interfaces in org.apache.jackrabbit.jsr283. We wouldn't need
to make any backwards compatibility claims for that component, but any
other components like jackrabbit-core, jackrabbit-jcr-tests,
jackrabbit-jcr-rmi, and jackrabbit-jcr2spi could depend on that
component until the final jcr-2.0.jar is available.

What do you think? I guess there is some licensing stuff to figure
out, but otherwise I think this would be the cleanest approach.

Sounds good. We just need to make sure that those jsr283 interfaces do not interfere with jsr170 interfaces because some Jackrabbit classes will need to implement both interfaces. But since jsr283 should be mainly backwards compatible this shouldn't be a problem. Or do you want to start a whole new branch where all jsr170 interfaces are replaced by jsr283 interfaces?


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