Marcel Reutegger wrote:
David Rauschenbach wrote:
I implemented an SPI that does not support locking. However, the TCK
api,NodeTest testNodeIdentity() method calls isLocked(), which invokes
getLockInfo on my SPI, from which I throw
UnsupportedOperationException(), because I make no attempt to support
Am I misunderstanding anything? Or should the unit test tolerate an
UnsupportedOperationException before comparing isLocked() ?

I think jcr2spi should not call getLockInfo() if the spi implementation does not support locking. jcr2spi should assume that nodes are never locked in that case.

if i remember correctly we discussed that in the past (there is an
issue by julian or by michi) and we decided that RepositoryService.getLockInfo should return 'null' if locking is
not supported.

the javadoc says:
" If the implementation does not support locking at all,
  this method always returns <code>null</code>."


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