Tuesday 05 February 2008 14:12:03 Alexandru Popescu ☀ написав:
> I do believe that this initiatives are helpful for the JCR community,
> but I would encourage people to check how much is possible to be done
> in the JPA direction.

Sounds good again but:

1) Current ocm in jackrabbit source tree does not have anything in common with 
JPA annotation and/or ideology
2) JPA is based on relational approach and does not work properly with 
tree-like structures we use often with JCR
3) JPA is monstrous as current jackrabbit OCM is.
4) Where is effort mentioned above to join? Where is published source to look 

I checked jcrom and created nodes in 5 minutes. Current OCM took much much more 
time to go trough broken docs, complicated tests and hanging ends... 

So my opinion is: Simple and quick OCM like jcrom.org is just great solution. 

If some standard-addicted company wants to implement JPA on top JCR - that's 
If current "official" OCM is more flexible and powerfull - that's good too, but 
I need working OCM now and can't wait new implementations and neverending doc 
SY, Alex Lukin

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