Friday 08 February 2008 17:44:41 Thomas Mueller написав:
> Hi,
> I would drop it with migration path. Example:
> "
> Converting old repositories or xml with same name siblings will convert the
> composed name to literal names, that means: two nodes 'test' are converted
> to 'test[1]' and 'test[2]'; removing 'test[1] will not rename 'test[2]' to
> 'test[1]'.

XML import requires SNS support so it can not be droped. 
This idea sounds very resonable but what about XML export? Thus we have to 
restrict use of that kind of path names and all such nodes with indexes at the 
will be interpeted as SNS. 

Another bad thing that new nodes must be added after last number used, even if 
that node already deleted.  We want reliable paths I think.
So we must keep this info somewhere and delete it after last SNS with the name 
is deleted.

SY, Alex Lukin

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