The Apache Jackrabbit community is pleased to announce the release of
version 1.4.5 of the jackrabbit-core component. The release is
available for download at:

See below for the release notes. You can upgrade an existing Apache
Jackrabbit 1.4 installation to use the new jackrabbit-core 1.4.5
component simply by replacing the jackrabbit-core-1.4(.x).jar file
with jackrabbit-core-1.4.5.jar.

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Core -- Version 1.4.5


This is the 1.4.5 patch release of the jackrabbit-core component of
Apache Jackrabbit, a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR).

This release fixes various issues, including a change to some default
persistence manager configuration settings (JCR-1562). Users who are
relying on the default username, password, or schema name settings for
database-based persistence should check their configuration when upgrading
to this release. See below for the full list of changes in this release.

See the Apache Jackrabbit website at for
more information.

Release Contents

Unlike previous Jackrabbit releases that contained a full set of components,
this patch release only contains the jackrabbit-core component. The component
is distributed both as a source archive and a pre-compiled binary.

    * Source archive (jackrabbit-core-1.4.5-src.jar)

        The source archive contains the full source code of this release
        in a "jackrabbit-core-1.4.5" directory. Use the following commands
        (or the equivalent in your environment) to build the component
        with Maven 2 and Java 1.4 or higher:

          $ jar xf jackrabbit-core-1.4.5-src.jar
          $ cd jackrabbit-1.4.5
          $ mvn install

    * Pre-compiled binary (jackrabbit-core-1.4.5.jar)

        Core of the Apache Jackrabbit content repository implementation.

See the included README.txt file for more information.

Each release file is accompanied by SHA1 and MD5 checksums and a PGP
signature. The public key used for the signatures can be found
in the KEYS file.

Changes and known issues in this release

All the changes and known issues in this release are listed below.
The issue identifier and title is listed for each change and known issue.
You can look up individual issues for more details in the Jackrabbit
issue tracker at

  Bug fixes
  [JCR-1450] move method of the MemoryFileSystem may accept invalid ...
  [JCR-1551] TransientRepository: application doesn't exit quickly
  [JCR-1557] Avoid exceptions during shutting repository down if several ...
  [JCR-1562] JNDI data sources with various PersistenceManager: wrong ...
  [JCR-1587] When trying to reuse version label in transaction, exception ...
  [JCR-1599] LuceneQueryBuilder assumes readability of root-Node to be ...
  [JCR-1602] DbDatastore: Problems indexing pdf file

  Known issues
  [JCR-43]   Restore on nodes creates same-name-sibling of ...
  [JCR-320]  BinaryValue equals fails for two objects with ...
  [JCR-392]  Querying element by number does not work
  [JCR-435]  Node.update() does not work correct for SNS
  [JCR-449]  inconsistency in internal version items during commits
  [JCR-517]  Reserved status of namespace jcr not enforced
  [JCR-522]  XPath parser too tolerant
  [JCR-537]  Failure to remove a versionable node
  [JCR-538]  failing Node.checkin() or Node.checkout() might leave ...
  [JCR-566]  Versioning bug with restore and transactions
  [JCR-575]  unicode escapes in files generated by JJTree
  [JCR-591]  XPath position function does not work
  [JCR-639]  Allow modification of OPV=IGNORE items even if parent ...
  [JCR-643]  Own AccessManager + VersionManager : AccessDenied problem
  [JCR-690]  Nodes' and properties' names with invalid XML ...
  [JCR-709]  ArrayStoreException is thrown when jcr:deref() is used ...
  [JCR-777]  Order by clause using child axis does not throw ...
  [JCR-843]  XPath does not work with sub-axes
  [JCR-888]  javax.jcr.NamespaceException: : is not a registered namespace uri
  [JCR-908]  Unable to properly restore a previous version of a node that ...
  [JCR-932]  Lossy SQL parsing
  [JCR-935]  ConcurrentModificationException during logout (cont'd)
  [JCR-936]  Using Oracle bundle PM throws SQL exception (cannot insert NULL)
  [JCR-983]  fn:upper accepted in too many places
  [JCR-1002] QueryManager does not throw exception if property name ...
  [JCR-1075] Error with predicate in query with multiple jcr:deref()
  [JCR-1117] Bundle cache is not rolled back when the storage of a ...
  [JCR-1135] boolean value constraints exposed in custom format
  [JCR-1173] Session scoped lock has no effect on other cluster nodes
  [JCR-1187] Asking a property twice for it's stream returns the same ...
  [JCR-1211] QueryManager does not throw exception if jcr:deref is used in ...
  [JCR-1223] Occasional NPE on node checkin
  [JCR-1248] ParseException if search string ends with '!'
  [JCR-1334] Deadlock with XA enabled
  [JCR-1354] Repository shutdown reposts ERROR: failed to close connection
  [JCR-1360] Parsing built-in CND and XML nodetypes does not result in ...
  [JCR-1362] DatabaseJournal improperly finds tables in external schemas ...
  [JCR-1367] Exception when closing connection under db2
  [JCR-1387] Lock token not removed from session when node is removed
  [JCR-1440] NPE Thrown when two Cluster Nodes are hitting the same ...
  [JCR-1532] ERROR 40XD0: Container has been closed exception with Derby DB
  [JCR-1553] ClusterNode not properly shutdown when repository has shutdown
  [JCR-1554] StaleItemStateException with distributed transactions
  [JCR-1558] Namespace not registered yet prevent ...
  [JCR-1563] Data Store: UTFDataFormatException when using large ...
  [JCR-1572] DbDataStore connection does not always reconnect
  [JCR-1573] Lucene Query Exception: 'attempt to access a deleted ...
  [JCR-1605] RepositoryLock does not work on NFS sometimes
  [JCR-1613] REMOVE access is not checked when moving a node
  [JCR-1626] The resource committed at the first server via WebDAV does not ...
  [JCR-1632] Mixin type loss

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