
It's come to my attention that the Sun Java 5 compiler has bugs (related to generics) which can prevent compilation. The symptoms are:
[INFO] Compilation failure
/tmp/chemistry/chemistry-atompub/src/main/java/org/apache/chemistry/ atompub/PropertiesElement.java:[130,27] org.apache.abdera.model.Element cannot be dereferenced

At least the following JDK versions have this bug:
  Linux: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_10-b03, mixed mode)
Linux: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_14-b03, mixed mode, sharing) Mac OS X: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-133, mixed mode, sharing)

For now please try compiling with a Java 6 JDK.


On 11 Mar 2009, at 00:58, Florent Guillaume wrote:
Here's a status report on the progress of the Chemistry code.

The API has been tweaked a bit to separate a programmer-usable API from a lower-level SPI that mirrors the CMIS spec. There is now an AtomPub server implementation (work in progress) that allows some read-only operations (for now): getting repo info, type info, children listing and document retrieval).

You can check the latest sources by downloading 
This is a maven-buildable project.

The project includes a sample servlet so that folks can test their CMIS AtomPub clients against a simple in-memory implementation of the API (which is still very incomplete, but progressing well). Using:
 mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package
you'll get a self contained JAR which you can run with:
java -jar chemistry-tests/target/chemistry-tests-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar- with-dependencies.jar
Just hit ^C to stop the server.

As it's now at a stage where I'd really like more people eyeballing it and contributing, I plan on submitting it tomorrow so that it could be checked in by a committer in the sanbox -- if that's ok with you.


Florent Guillaume, Head of R&D, Nuxeo
Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
http://www.nuxeo.com   http://www.nuxeo.org   +33 1 40 33 79 87

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