On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Philip Arkcoll<phi...@knowledgetree.com> wrote:
> We're considering implementing a JSR 283 CR in PHP 5 and releasing this
> under the Apache license.
> We're aware of early projects aimed at developing a JSR 170 CR. Are you
> aware of any current efforts to do so? Would this be something the
> Jackrabbit community would be interested in getting involved in?

Typo3 made some efforts of implementing first a PHP to JCR bridge
(using Jackrabbit as backend) and the implementing JCR in PHP
natively. See this blog post with some links: [1]. But I don't know
whether they aim JSR-170 or 283 at the moment.

I cannot speak for the whole community, but I'd say the current focus
lies on getting JSR-283 done in Jackrabbit. Implementing the full spec
is quite a big task, so I'd recommend to start with selected areas
only (eg. no observation, search, nodetype support etc.) to get you

[1] http://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main/fudbusting2.html


Alexander Klimetschek

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