On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:
> Stefan Guggisberg wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> Most jcr apps I've seen often use a single session from several threads
>>> to read from this session. (I think I also read it somewhere that this
>>> is safe with jackrabbit, but I might be mistaken).
>> that's an unsupported api usage. i don't see why would need to support this
>> in a future version.
> I didn't say if jackrabbit should support this in the future or not. :)
> I'm just stating the fact, that huge apps that are built on top of
> jackrabbit make use of this! For example see this thread
> (http://n4.nabble.com/session-pooling-td539577.html#a539577) where it is
> explicitly stated that it's safe to use jackrabbit sessions for multi
> threaded reading. And as I said I've seen such hints and usage a lot.

i can't see any official statement in this thread, only personal opinions

AFAIK 'session thread safety' has never been an officially supported
jackrabbit feature.

> And if I'm not mistaken, with explictly introducing all these syncs you
> enable multi-threaded read *and* write access.

no, the goal is to minimize the risk of repository corruption.


>>> Simply syncing everything on the session would decrease performance in
>>> these cases dramatically.
>> is this just a wild guess or do you have figures that prove your claim?
> Now, with the suggested syncing you have a very high level sync point
> where only one client after the other can use the objects.
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> cziege...@apache.org

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