On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 16:41, Thomas Müller <thomas.muel...@day.com> wrote:
> == Use Error Codes ==
> Currently exception message are hardcoded (in English). When using
> error codes, exception messages could be translated. I'm not saying we
> should translate them ourselves, but if somebody wants to, he could.
> == Include the Jackrabbit Version in Exceptions ==
> This is mainly to simplify support: it's very easy to say what version
> was used when somebody posts an exception message. Example:
> "Repository is closed [1000-3.0.1003]" - this would mean error code
> 1000, Jackrabbit version 3.0, build 1003. The build number alone would
> be enough, but for the user it may be better to also include the
> version.
> Also, it will allow looking at the source code without having to
> download the source code of the correct version, even without having
> to install an IDE. I wrote a simple JavaScript application:
> http://www.h2database.com/html/sourceError.html - if you paste an
> exception in the 'Input' text area, it will link to the source code
> and display additional information.


I like the result that error stack trace analysis can be automated
then. This makes it much faster for a dev knowing the internal code to
spot any error, w/o having to find the proper version of a source file
first (and w/o having to ask for the jackrabbit version on the list).


Alexander Klimetschek

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