
> objectives of the
> jr3 project is to deliver better performance than jr2 on scalability,
> concurrency, latency, etc., it would be helpful to have an automated stress
> test framework

That's true. There are already a few such test cases, but more are
required. Patches are welcome of course :-)

However I fear most people will ignore this prototype unless it is
actually usable. That's why I think adding features is important as
well. This doesn't mean the prototype needs to pass the TCK, but at
least the basic operations should work as expected.

> It's easier to fix deep architectural issues before a bunch of code has been
> written around the architecture, so the priority should be to have code that
> breaks the architecture (highlighting the weak points) before having code
> that uses the architecture (highlighting the strong points).

In other words, the architecture needs to be correct before adding
features. That's true. Probably "clustering" should be added before
"versioning", because clustering has a higher impact on the


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