
The problem is performance . Thats based on concurrent writes we are doing.

So if I see the design of jackrabbit and as much I make out of it is
that the Write lock is acquired at the SharedItemStateManager level
which is above PersistanceManager.

We tried changing to DB persistance manager but that didnt scale as
well and we continued to see almost same results as with File
Persistance Manager

We see a write through put of about 3.5 secs to 7 secs for workflow
creation through Day workflow using the REST API's. This is when we
run 100 concurrent users.

I think it should be few millisecs per creation



On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Thomas Müller <thomas.muel...@day.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you sure the problem is "concurrency" and not "performance"? Are
> you sure that the persistence manager you use does support higher
> write throughput? What persistence manager do you use, and what is the
> write throughput you see, and what do you need?
> Regards,
> Thomas

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