On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Michael Dürig <mdue...@apache.org> wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying.
> To summarize (if I got it right) the revision parameter specifies the base
> revision for a three way merge of the transient changes into the current
> head revision.


> So this can actually be used to implement 1) (see
> http://markmail.org/message/e2ipk54t2bhrepab) right?



> Michael
> On 26.1.12 14:31, Stefan Guggisberg wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Michael Dürig<mic...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Microkernel.commit() has a revisionId parameter. Could someone (Stefan?)
>>> clarify the semantics of this parameter? The Javadoc only says "revision
>>> the
>>> changes are based on". But it fails to explain the actual effect of that
>>> parameter.
>> the revisionId parameter of the commit method provides the
>> context of the changes specified by the jsonDiff parameter.
>> while it's true that all changes are always applied on the
>> current HEAD revision, the 'baseRevision' of a commit allows
>> for smarter 3-way merges/conflict resolutions.
>> an example:
>> assume a node /foo exists in rev0 of the tree and
>> sessions s1 and s2 are both based on rev0.
>> now s1 moves /foo to /bar while s2 sets a property on /foo :
>> // s1
>> mk.commit("/", ">\"foo\": \"bar\"", rev0, "");
>> // s2
>> mk.commit("/", "^\"foo/prop\" : \"blah\"", rev0, "");
>> knowing the context of the commit (->  rev0) allows the
>> 2nd commit to apply the property modification on /bar
>> instead of throwing a "path not found: /foo" exception.
>> please note that this specific use case is currently not
>> yet implemented in MicroKernelImpl.
>> cheers
>> stefan
>>> Michael

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