---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexej Sailer <alexejsai...@gmail.com>
Date: 2016-08-02 10:13 GMT+02:00
Subject: Speed up initial Bundle load > 10k from database
To: us...@jackrabbit.apache.org

I'm using jackrabbit and from time to time it happens, that I have more
than 10k Childnodes. So I noticed that in this case jackrabbit slows down
loading them initially into the bundle cache. After debugging I found the
method protected NodePropBundle loadBundle(NodeId id) in
OraclePersistenceManager and there, every node bundle is loaded one by one,
which is extremely slow after 2k bundles.

So I wrote a simple workaround: I start a bunch off threads at exactly this
method and load all bundles from the database at once for 60 000 it takes
me 5 sec I think, and I cache them exactly in this place, so that If I
start loading > 10k child nodes one by one, they are loaded from this
cache. And that speeds up the load 10x.

This is simply a bundle cache but, which is filled up extremely fast.

Now, the cache invalidation is done by using protected and public methods
from PersistenceManager.

It works fine. But I am not sure whether this is consistent in Apache
JackRabbit implementation.

Who can answer this questions? I will provide the code as well, if there
are interests to that.


Alexej Sailer

protected synchronized void storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle) throws


    protected synchronized void destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle) throws


    protected void evictBundle(NodeId id)


    public synchronized void onExternalUpdate(ChangeLog changes)
        for (ItemState state : changes.modifiedStates())

        for (ItemState state : changes.deletedStates())

        for (ItemState state : changes.addedStates())


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