
sorry for the long wait - getting back to jBehaving ...

Stefan Hübner wrote:
So this would boil down to placing behaviours/stories either in
"src/main/java" or "src/test/java" and scoping jbehave either in
compile or test scope.

The switch could be easily supported by a simple boolean configuration
option, I guess. The plugin then would create a classloader upon
either compile scope or test scope classpath elements. - will be implemented shortly.

> I took the approach the surefire-plugin is based on. It doesn't import *any* JUnit-specific classes, but instead loads them into a completely isolated classloader. Of course this brings some nasty reflection mechanics as a side effect, though.
> The difference to your implementation is, that the patched plugin doesn't leave the classloading hassles to the jbehave-library. Rather it puts the jbehave-classes into the same classloader, that serves as the classloader for the behaviours to be verified. So jbehave is on the same classpath as the behaviours and nowhere else.

IMO the scenarios are a slightly different - in that surefire is an integrator 
completely different projects, while the jbehave plugin is an extension module 
of the
core.  In this sense I'm not sure that the added complication is justified.

Let's see if there is a usecase arises that justified the change - eg a bug or 
a problem of sorts.

> But either way, I'd just like to see a maven plugin that works, since I appreciate your effort very much. I do hope seeing the project gaining momentum in the near future. To me, a maven plugin is a must though, before I can spread the word.

That's my aim too :-) I've just applied the patches from Eric Lewin and I've deploy a snapshot release. I'd like to get out a 1.1 quite soon.

Since we're talking about Maven2 support, may I also suggest to update
jbehave's parent- and core-poms? The dependencies should be mentioned
properly. This would help developers great deals.

Can you please raise a jira issue?


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