Cristiano Gavião wrote:
Hi Mauro, I've found the problem...

I tried to use same method for two sentences, fist one for the "when" and the second one for the "And" (Is not nice to repeaty the subject all the time). When the alias is matched jbehave throws a exception because there is no actor for match the method argument.

@When("$actor fills the field $field with $data")
@Alias("fills the field $field with $value")
public void whenActorFillsField(@Named("actor") String pActor,
           @Named("field ") String pField, @Named("value") String pValue)

I will create two methods as a workaroud...


if you change the "signature" of the pattern, i.e. its arguments, then you *must* define another method. Aliases only make sense for matching the same methods, i.e. the same arguments.

In any case, I'll use this use case to improve the error message being thrown, to make it easier to understand the possible cause.


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