Thanks for the reply Mauro:)...pls look below for my reply to the answers
you given for 3 questions asked..

Q1- I can't use sauce labs for running parallel execution as it's paid if i want to use only jenkins,grid2,maven then how we can
achieve using jbehave? is their any blog, thread, documentation i can
refer? can you pls provide help in how to achieve it?

Q2- That's nice explanation,i already started with the solution to see how
it works....

Q3- So, if i want to make persistent with maven command line than what
changes i supposed to make it in code? pls advice..


On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Mauro Talevi <>wrote:

>  Hi,
> 1.  JBehave Selenium support provides integration for,
> which allows you to run stories in parallel.   Lookup
> SauceWebDriverProvider. The etsy-selenium groovy-pico tutorial shows how to
> configure it.
> 2.  Jenkins reporting works on XML transformations, so you need to update
> the XML format of  the JBehave Core report.   The default XML template is
> the jbehave-xml-output.ftl.    Alternatively, apply the stylesheet that you
> prefer on the Jenkins side.
> 3.  There is no difference, they use the same code but different entry
> points.  The only thing to remember is that if you configure anything in
> command-line it will override what's configured in Java.
> Please note that the stable version is 3.8 and 4.0 is still in beta.  I
> would advise you to start off from 3.8.
> Cheers
> On 20/04/2013 11:48, Kaustubh Joshi wrote:
>   Hi All,
>  Hope to get answers from dev's on set of questions, as i like jbehave
> but since there is not good documentation on various scenarios hence
> asked...
>  Is there any example of selenium grid running for maven+jbehave+jenkins ?
> I mean how we can do such set up?Any changes needs to be done under pom so
> that parallel execution can be achieved with master slave configuration?
>  Any light on this topic would be helpful..these could be selenium+maven
> questions but if we post same on selenium user group,we get ans like as
> jbehave group..hence asking..
>  Q2- If we use jbehave plug in jenkins , then how reports are generated
> ..i mean can we customized with our need like changing in ftl files? Pls
> advice
>  Q3- Is there any difference in running the stories through eclipse or by
> command prompt using jbehave framework?
>  This is because, i made changes in ftl file to generate custom report
> these changes are getting picked by running through eclipse but not with
> maven i.e command prompt...
>  Using jbehave 4.0 beta with git as version control system..i have made
> changes in local branch for custom reports..
> Cheers,
>  K
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Mauro Talevi <> wrote:
>>  Commit d9990ca19a5d7959349cb342705300284cafb5ab Branch master Author Mauro
>> Talevi <> Date Thu, 18 Apr 2013 21:12:59 +0200
>> Message Updated to latest released versions. Changed file
>> etsy-selenium/groovy-pico/pom.xml  9 9
>>    <description>JBehave stories verifying functionality of using 
>> Groovy and Pico</description>
>> 10 10    11 11    <properties>  12
>>       <jbehave.core.version>3.8-SNAPSHOT</jbehave.core.version>
>>  12      <jbehave.core.version>3.9-SNAPSHOT</jbehave.core.version>  13 13
>>      <jbehave.web.version>3.6-SNAPSHOT</jbehave.web.version>  14 14
>>      <>3.1.1</>  15 15
>>      <fluent.selenium.version>1.6.3</fluent.selenium.version>  16
>>       <selenium.version>2.29.1</selenium.version>
>>  16      <selenium.version>2.32.0</selenium.version>  17 17
>>      <gmaven.version>1.3</gmaven.version>  18 18
>>      <groovy.version>1.8.6</groovy.version>  19 19
>>      <ignore.failures>true</ignore.failures>  …  379 379      <profile>
>> 380 380        <id>stable</id>  381 381        <properties>  382
>>           <jbehave.core.version>3.7</jbehave.core.version>  383
>>           <jbehave.web.version>3.5.4</jbehave.web.version>
>>  382          <jbehave.core.version>3.8</jbehave.core.version>
>>  383          <jbehave.web.version>3.5.5</jbehave.web.version>  384 384
>>        </properties>  385 385      </profile>  386 386      <profile>  
>> Changed
>> file etsy-selenium/java-spring/pom.xml  9 9
>>    <description>JBehave stories verifying functionality of using 
>> Java and Spring</description>
>> 10 10    11 11    <properties>  12
>>       <jbehave.core.version>3.8-SNAPSHOT</jbehave.core.version>
>>  12      <jbehave.core.version>3.9-SNAPSHOT</jbehave.core.version>  13 13
>>      <jbehave.web.version>3.6-SNAPSHOT</jbehave.web.version>  14 14
>>      <>3.1.1</>  15 15
>>      <fluent.selenium.version>1.6.3</fluent.selenium.version>  16
>>       <selenium.version>2.29.1</selenium.version>
>>  16      <selenium.version>2.32.0</selenium.version>  17 17
>>      <ignore.failures>true</ignore.failures>  18 18
>>      <meta.filter></meta.filter>  19 19      <threads>1</threads>  …  285
>> 285      <profile>  286 286        <id>stable</id>  287 287
>>        <properties>  288
>>           <jbehave.core.version>3.7</jbehave.core.version>  289
>>           <jbehave.web.version>3.5.4</jbehave.web.version>
>>  288          <jbehave.core.version>3.8</jbehave.core.version>
>>  289          <jbehave.web.version>3.5.5</jbehave.web.version>  290 290
>>        </properties>  291 291      </profile>  292 292      <profile>

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