Could you provide a sample project that reproduces the desired behaviour?

> On 30 Sep 2014, at 13:01, Matthieu Mestrez <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to make use of a list of strings in a Meta in this context :
> Scenario: 1. First Case
> Meta :
> @Dataset firstDataset.xml, secondDataset.xml
> Given ...
> When ..
> Then ...
> And in the 
> @BeforeScenario
> public void initializeDataset(@Named("Dataset") List<String> dbUnitFiles) {
> ...
> }
> The scenario fails because 
> "org.jbehave.core.steps.ParameterConverters$ParameterConvertionFailed: No 
> parameter converter for interface java.util.List'
> If i debug, he passes through the StringListConverter, but in the accept 
> method the type is not an instance of ParameterizedType, because in the 
> StepCreator class you use method.getParameterTypes() that doesn't retrieve de 
> generics but the Class type (so java.util.List)
> I think that you should use for that Parameter class the Type and not the 
> Class
> Or maybe i've made a mistake somewhere

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