Thanks for the clarification.

One clarification I should provide is that my intention with using Ctrl+F
is to do a text search, not a format.  I'm using Ctrl+H for now.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Mauro Talevi <>

>  Hi,
> Firstly: those listed below are not mailing lists but web archives - gmane
> and mail-archive.    As archives, they are neither active nor inactive and
> you don't need to be subscribed to search them.  You may use them to search
> for previous posts or you can post a question directly on the lists (as
> you're doing now ;-).
> Secondly:  CTRL-F is only supported to format tables, at the moment.   But
> you need to highlight the table for the action to be activated.    To
> support the formatting of the entire story, an Eclipse formatter needs to
> be written.   If you have the time and the expertise, your contribution
> would be most welcome.
> Here's how:
> Cheers
> On 25/11/2014 19:31, Frank Pedroza wrote:
> 2 issues:
> First:
> Sorry, but not sure how to answer this question.  This may be a noob
> question, but it seems like every site does it differently.
> This page ( lists 5 mailing lists
> with no description of the intent behind them:
>    -
>    <>
>    -
>    <>
>    -
>    <>
>    -
>    <>
>    -
>    <>
> Are these all active?  Should I be subscribed/following all of these?  Do
> I really need to go search all of these to see if a question I have has
> been addressed before?
>  Second:
>  There was a post on 9/17/2014 to titled "CTRL+F
> does not work in JBehave editor".  I haven't seen a response and I don't
> see anything listed in the jira (
> Is this a known issue?  Should/will a jira be created for it?  What should
> the process be?  How can I as a community member help?

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