On 20/02/13 16:19, Claude Warren wrote:
Does the release include the test and test source packages or would they be
released separately?  Can they be released separately?


Let me answer that carefully - the "release" is formally the file:


That is what we are voting on. The release-source zip is created by "mvn -Papache-release" - it is snapshot of SVN with all the POMs at the right version, from the maven release plugin.

The source-release should be buildable by anyone to produce a binary so they know what exactly they are getting. It's "open source", not just "free to use opaque binaries".

It is really important that anyone can take the official source and create a binary. It's the ultimate fallback if they want to check it's good, functionally and legally.

As we use mvn, buildablity means the tests run (there is no absolute requirement for this but it would be a bit weird not to do it). It includes the testing/ directories and everything.

Try it!  It's in the list of things to test (items 2 and 3).

All this binary business is convenience! and yes it is what people use in practice. And it is normal practice that the binaries work.


What gets complicated is that the maven artifacts are both end user binaries and dependencies of one module on another.

Our *-tests and *-test-source artifacts are for one module to get test support code and test code like graph basics from another module. There is only one delivery mechanism is in maven - artifact - with the classifiers used to differentiate.


Checking needed:

     is the GPG signature fine?
     is there a source archive?
     can the source archive really be built?
     is there a correct LICENSE and NOTICE file in each artifact
       (both source and binary artifacts)?
     does the NOTICE file contain all necessary attributions?
     check the dependencies.
     do all the tests work?
     if there is a tag in the SCM, does it contain reproducible sources?

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