Comments inline:

On 9/7/13 12:50 PM, "Andy Seaborne" <> wrote:

>Hi Rob,
>I've got the full build (deploy) building by using java7.  It's not that
>it is always broken with Java6.  The test build is still Java 6 and that
>usually works; it might be load-on-build-server sensitive.  It builds
>fully on my local machine in either set up.  (I have added connection
>caching to Fuseki test as well.)
> > What are the build exceptions in JDBC / JenaStatement?
>There's log at:
>from about 25% to 50% of the scroll bar.
>I have a version locally that is clean. I found that the tests reset
>Log4j and then remove all the appenders which causes the warning about
>log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
>but it also stops configuring the logging from src/test/resources as
>this is ignored.  That confused me for a while :-)
>I'd guess this was just debugging setup?  Also, there is logging to a
>file, I switched that off as well.

This was kind of intentional, when I was debugging in isolation prior to
having Jena as a parent I guess the src/test/resources was never applicable

>, which is src/main so goes in the final jar
>but as far as I can see, it's only used in TestMemDriverWithLogging.

This was primarily intended as an example for users, it does also get used
to test that the JDBC connection parameter for logging works correctly in
that test class as noted.

>A question:
>The POM says aspectj plugin is for debugging purposes.
>(and how do you get it working with Eclipse?  When I add a maven nature
>I get errors and Eclipse refuses to compile the JDBC projects).

There is an AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT) that you can install which
provides AspectJ support within Eclipse.  AspectJ is used to add method
entry and exit trace logging which is very useful when trying the drivers
with a new tool to see where (if anywhere) things break.


>       Andy

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