Hi all,

regarding some sort of migration utility, Wouldn't that be a must? Or is 
the expectation that all previously built databases are thrown out and 

>From our point of view, we've usually had ways to recreate TDB databases, 
but the cost can be enormous (depending on the size of the DB). I would 
think a migration utility would be able to convert a database much faster


Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
10/14/2013 10:41 AM
Re: RDF 1.1 -- changes to plain literals

On 14/10/13 09:11, Rob Vesse wrote:
> Andy
> Thanks for the great overview, I've been looking at supporting this on
> dotNetRDF as well lately so have been thinking much along the same 
> I think the check language first needs to be emphasized in messaging to
> users about this change, dotNetRDF has the same issue and I've seen
> recently that Sesame was also affected by this.  Therefore I think we 
> to be clear about the need for this change in usage.
> My feeling is we should make this a configurable behavior, the default
> going forward should be RDF 1.1 but it would be nice if users could 
> that back to RDF-2004 behaviors if they need to produce data for older
> systems.

Some way of reverting to old behaviour would be good.  As long as it's 
system-wide I don't foresee any problems.  On a per graph basis would be 
very hard; on a per parser run is possible but does not catch API 
created data.

Once data has passed through in RDF 1.1 mode and written to file, 
whether database or syntax written to disk, it gets confusing to 
mix-and-match and go back to RDF-2004 style.

There is reasonable need for some compatibility style, then, yes, let's 
put it in.

One thing I think is worth avoiding is too much "speculatively 
compatibility" (i.e. guessing!), like putting in all variations of Node 
creation into NodeFactory as different factory methods.  These tend to 
end up with a life beyond the transition.

> On the database side particularly for TDB would it be feasible to 
> a migration utility which would check a database to see if it is 
> and if so produce a migrated version of the database?

Backup to N-Quads in RDF-2004 style, update software and restore in RDF 
1.1 style will work and it will leave a backup should the deployment 
wish to reverse the process.

A special utility to convert TDB databases would be possible by looking 
in the node table for explicit xsd:strings, then looking in the indexes 
for the internal value of term and changing it (delete-add).

Doing a backup first is a "good thing" (tm) at that point anyway.

It would be an offline process as it is munging the internal tables 
directly.  A transactional version is also doable but each layer of 
complexity increases the risk of getting it wrong in some corner case. 
A special utility has the disadvantage of not being well-used so at risk 
of bugs.

So, currently, I would want to see a significant need for this before 
embarking on something other than backup-upgrade-restore.


> Rob

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