
It was what I tried. Doesn¹t work, Pellet returns error.


On 02/12/13 14:26, "Dave Reynolds" <dave.e.reyno...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I don't have access to Pellet so can't construct a complete example, but
>all I meant was something like:
>     Model myPelletModel = ...
>     GenericRuleReasoner reasoner = new GenericRuleReasoner(rules);
>     InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, myPelletModel);
>On 02/12/13 13:57, Miguel Bento Alves wrote:
>> Dear Dave,
>> Thanks for your answer. Can you give a short example how I can put a
>> rule-based inference model on top of a Pellet-backed model? I tried to
>> combine both but I didn't had success.
>> Miguel
>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Dave Reynolds
>>> On 02/12/13 11:23, Miguel Bento Alves wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> Jena does not provide OWL2, correct?
>>> Correct.
>>>   My problem is that I want to use OWL2 inference, specifically to the
>>>> qualified cardinalities inference (for instance, and is just an
>>>> my class IronMan is defined as all sportsman that plays at least 3
>>>> sports). With Pellet I can do OWL2 inference but I can't combine with
>>>> rules. In my problem, jena rules are useful because I can develop
>>>> functions.
>>>> Some questions:
>>>> There are somehow to combine OWL2 inference with jena rules?
>>> If your data is static then you may be able to put a jena rule-based
>>> inference model on top of a Pellet-backed model.
>>>   Do you know somehow to implement qualified cardinalities in jena?
>>> I wouldn't recommend trying that. The lack of unique name assumption
>>> that counting how many distinct things you have or can infer is very
>>> in a simple rule based system.
>>> Dave

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