It would be great if someone went (and presented). It sounds like a fantastic event to go to.

The "how" depends on timing. The event is April 5-7 and the CFP closes Feb 1.

Any interest? Any ideas of what would be the best thing to present?

(I'd like to go but I need to see how a couple of projects work out timing-wise which make getting stuff together possible but "intersting")


On 20/01/14 16:01, Rob Vesse wrote:

Is anyone involved in Jena (either on the PMC or the wider community)
planning on attending or submitting to ApacheCon?

Was wondering if and how we should be promoting this as a PMC


On 17/01/2014 18:52, "Rich Bowen" <> wrote:

Fellow ASF committers,

ApacheCon this year is going to be different from what we've done in the
past, and we need your help in making that happen. By partnering with
the Linux Foundation, we're doing something new in the hopes of giving
Apache the exposure we deserve, as the most important organization in
the Free/Open Source software ecosystem.

Whereas in the past we've had three or four tracks of content, we have
room for 9 this year. That means that we have enough space for a half
day, or a full day, or even more, focused on *your* project. Before, we
may have had one or two talks about that project that you've devoted
years of your life to - this year, you can cover it from soup to nuts,
and bring in an audience eager to hear about it.

We need your talk submissions. We want the beginner, intermediate, and
advanced content from those projects that have been under-represented in
the past. We also want to hear from the larger community of users,
vendors, and folks building apps on top of your platforms. We rely on
you to reach out to your developer and user lists to solicit this content.

We need you to tell your developer and user lists that they should be
there - that this will be the year that they can get more than just an
intro, but they can get the deep dive.

The CFP deadline is February 1, which is only two weeks away. Please
help us make this event a huge success.

Rich Bowen

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