With my last last update, a Sparql command in a rule can be parsed. Examples
of valid rules with a Sparql command can be (look only to syntax, the rule
doesn't have any meaning):
(\\\sparql Select ?c ?d
where {?c <eg:p> ?d} \\\sparql)
(?a <eg:p> ?b) 
(?b <eg:p> ?c) -> (?a <eg:p> ?c)]
 (?a <eg:p> ?c) <-
(\\\sparql Select ?c ?d
where {?c <eg:p> ?d} \\\sparql)
(?a <eg:p> ?b) 
(?b <eg:p> ?c)]

A Sparql command is enclosure in a rule as:



An "open door" was left if in future we want go deep in parsing,
overcoming corner cases, and simplify the declaration, like this:
(Select ?c ?d 
where {?c <eg:p> ?d})
(?a <eg:p> ?b) 
(?b <eg:p> ?c) -> (?a <eg:p> ?c)]
Next steps: 
working on execution of a rule with a Sparql command. In my opinion, it will
be better to start with a rule only with one Sparql command. Something like:
 (?a <eg:p2> ?c) <-
(\\\sparql Select ?c ?d
where {?c <eg:p> ?d} \\\sparql)
After this step, the main goals are fulfilled. However, is desired rules
that combines sparql commands with clauses, that is the next step.

Comments and reviews are welcome.


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