The detached result set takes more memory, no?  So for large results on a
heavily loaded system this is an issue.  In addition creating a detached
set takes time, so in systems where response times are critical it may
makes sense to return the streaming result set.

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> I won't override begin/commit/end to do this.
> FWIW I think the idea that "commit()" does not actually cause a persistent
> change on disk is bad.   The contract on commit() is ACID, specifically D
> so ".commit() ; System.exit(0) - restart" smeans teh app is guarantteed to
> see the change.
> This is just reference counting?
> What happens if the nesting never un-nests?
> Better is to separate concepts and have a counter - that is a samll
> mamangement library for trasnactions:
> TransactionLevelMgt mgr = new TransactionLevelMgt(dataset) ;
> mgr.beginLevel(dataset, WRITE) ;
> mgr.endLevel() ;
> mgr.abort() ;
> and endLevel does a "commit()" when the level count returns to zero.
> > Assume a QueryResult object that comprises the result set from
> > a query and the dataset it was run against.
> Surely the right way is to create a detached result set? (no tied to the
> transaction or the query execution)
>         Andy
> On 24/07/14 10:32, Claude Warren wrote:
>> As you can probably guess from my recent posts here, I am working with
>> transactions, datasets, and web applications.
>> In Spring there is this concept of "joining a transaction".  Basically it
>> works like this:
>> When calling begin()
>> If a transaction is in progress and is the proper type (Write request must
>> be write, Read request may be Read or Write) use it.
>> if a transaction is in progress and is not the proper type (write request
>> with read transaction in progress) throw an exception
>> if no transaction is in progress start one of the proper type.
>> when calling commit()
>> if we joined the transaction do nothing.
>> if we started the transaction commit it.
>> when calling abort()/rollback()
>> if we joined the transaction throw an exception
>> if we created the  transaction abort rollback the transaction.
>> In our special case of end() I think we would do something like commit().
>> I have a class that handles this by wrapping the real dataset and
>> providing
>> this functionality via thread local variables.
>> usage case is something like:
>> In a web service we have a query and a dataset to query against.  We want
>> to stream the results to the client without creating the potentially large
>> file locally.
>> Assume a QueryResult object that comprises the result set from a query and
>> the dataset it was run against.
>>     1. service call comes in to a JAX-RS annotated service
>>     2. service starts a READ transaction.
>>     3. execute the query
>>     4. returns a QueryResult (see above)
>>     5. system uses a @Provider annotated class to format the result as per
>>     the request.
>>     6. the transaction.end() is called.
>> As you can see the transaction is started in one object and is logically
>> not complete until the end of an second object.
>> If anyone is interested I'll put the class in the jena-commons.

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