Are there any more thoughts on this discussion?  If not then I am going to
assume this is basically correct and document it on the wiki, build a
contract test for this bit, and start on the bits of the Graph interface we
have not agreed on yet.


On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Claude Warren <> wrote:

> I think the contract has to cover multi-threaded possibilities.  However,
> for the most part the document I originally proposed is the view from
> within a single thread.
> I agree that graphAdd serves no purpose and go as far as saying it should
> be removed in Jena 3.
> Think that defining the add with the listener will clarify the contract,
> but we need clarification of the Listener contract later.
> I think that the current process is:
>    1. triple added to or deleted from graph
>    2. listeners notified
> I think that this is correct but that we need to add that exceptions in
> the listeners may not raise and add denied exception.  I believe that the
> contract with listeners is:
>    1. they are notified after the event they are listening for has been
>    completed.  That they are not notified if an Exception is thrown in the 
> add.
>    2. if a listener throws an exception it will not undo the add or
>    delete.
>    3. I believe that: #1 means that the listeners would be notified at
>    the commit of a transaction, so listeners are guaranteed to have messages
>    queued by the end of the commit (if present) or at the end of add (if no
>    transaction is present).
> This does lead to the possibility that a graph implementation may need to
> notify other components within the transaction that the add or delete was
> completed -- I am not certain that this is needed but raise the point here
> for further discussion if necessary.
> So the full process for an add is
>    1. begin add( triple )
>    2. if adding is not allowed (Capabilities.addAllowed() returns false)
>    throw AddDeniedException.
>    3. add to the underlying storage system, may throw an exception.
>       1. If a checked exception is thrown wrap it in an
>       AddDeniedException.
>       4. if not in a transaction notify listeners of add
>    5. end add(triple)
>    6. begin commit if in transaction
>    7. commit the change so that it is visible to outside of the
>    transaction.
>    8. notify listeners of add.
>    9. end commit.
> If that it the case then the full process for a delete is
>    1. begin delete( triple )
>    2. if deleting is not allowed (Capabilities.deleteAllowed() returns
>    false) throw DeleteDeniedException.
>    3. delete from the underlying storage system, may throw an exception.
>       1. If a checked exception is thrown wrap it in a
>       DeleteDeniedException.
>       4. if not in a transaction notify listeners of delete
>    5. end delete(triple)
>    6. begin commit if in transaction
>    7. commit the change so that it is visible to outside of the
>    transaction.
>    8. notify listeners of delete.
>    9. end commit.
> As for the find process
>    1. returns an ExtendedIterator of triples that match the specified
>    triple.
>    2. If inside a transaction all uncommited triples are candidates for
>    matching.
> The iterator may throw a ConcurrentModificationException in conditions
> outlined by
> with the following caveat:
>    - If the find is taking place within a transaction and the current
>    thread has not modified the underlying data the
>    ConcurrentModificationException may not be thrown.
> Thoughs?
> Claude
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>> On 08/08/14 22:13, Claude Warren wrote:
>>> This is a message stack for Graph SPI Contract testing.  It covers only
>>> the
>>> Jena 2 Graph Contract.  This an attempt to document the current Graph
>>> contract.  Any correction should specify the bullet point number.
>> Overall:
>> Getting the exact contract is hard and I'm assuming this is only for
>> single-threaded code.
>> Maybe start with a subset of Graph
>> .add
>> .delete
>> .find
>> then add listeners into the picture
>> then define other operations in terms of the primitives:
>> .contains
>> .remove
>> .clear
>> Transactions:
>> The text around transactions does not distinguish being inside or outside
>> a transaction.
>> There are 2 base kinds of graphs - ones in datasets (views) and
>> standalone ones, then things like InfGraph and other added functionality.
>> Transactions on view graphs need to be defined in the context of the
>> dataset because transactions are connected.
>>      1. add() -- technically from GraphAdd
>> IMO The "GraphAdd" interface serves no purpose.
>>         1. when a triple is added to a graph all registered listeners must
>>>        receive an (add graph triple) message
>> It's hard to define listeners:
>>   Does a listener see the graph before or after the triple is added?
>>   Is a listener called if AddDeniedException is raised?
>>   Can a listener cause AddDeniedException to be raised?
>>   Is the listener guaranted to have been called by the
>>     time add() returns?
>> hence the suggestion of starting with just the basic operations.
>>         2. subsequent graph.contains( triple ) must return true.
>>>        3. If add is performed within a transaction the listeners are not
>>>        notified until after the commit.
>>>        4. If graph is read only (Capabilities.addAllowed() returns false)
>>>        must throw AddDeniedException
>> 1.1 and 1.2 have "must" text
>> Surely it's:
>> Either
>>    the triple is added
>> or
>>    an AddDeniedException exception is thrown.
>>      2. clear()
>> This is like remove(Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY) except for the listener
>> contract?
>>         1. If the graph can be empty (Capabilities.canBeEmpty()) there
>>> should
>>>        be no triples returned from find( Triple.ANY )
>> Nothing except tests uses Capabilities.canBeEmpty.
>>         2. If the graph can not be empty there should only be the elements
>>>        that were present when the graph was created.
>> This implies part of the contract for create in that create does not take
>> initial contents.
>> Graph g2 = view of g1
>> g1 can not be empty
>>         3. if delete is not allowed (Capabilities.canDelete() is
>>>        false) clear() must throw DeleteDeniedException
>> An alternative is that if clear() causes a change, DeleteDeniedException
>> is raised.
>> Example - if the empty, read-only graph is cleared, why should
>> DeleteDeniedException be raised?
>> There is a relationship to remove(ANY,ANY,ANY)
>>      3. close()
>>>        1. after close isClosed() should return true
>>>        2. calling close on closed graph should not throw an exception.
>>>        3. calling any Graph method other than close() on a closed graph
>>>        should throw a ClosedException
>> Is there a need for close() long term, if not, then the deatiled contract
>> is moot.
>> This form of Graph.close() might work for a basic, storage graph but
>> there are other cases.
>> A graph may be a view of another - close is meaningless and is more
>> usefully a no-op.
>> If the graph is from a system wide cache, close() might be a no-op so as
>> to protect the cache.
>>      4. contains()
>> Defined as "find(S,P,O).hasNext()"
>>         1. returns true if the graph contains the specified triple.
>>>           1. Node.ANY will match any node in the position.
>>>        2. if the graph supports transactions and a transaction is in
>>>        progress the graph will only not show any triples that only exist
>>> within
>>>        the transaction.
>> If an app goes:
>>   begin
>>   add(triple)
>>   contains(triple) -> false
>> it's going to be a bit confusing!
>>      5. delete()
>>>        1. if delete is not allowed (Capabilities.canDelete() is false)
>>>        delete() must throw DeleteDeniedException
>>>        2. when a triple is deleted from  a graph all registered listeners
>>>        must receive an (delete graph triple) message
>>>        3. subsequent graph.contains( triple ) must return false.
>>>        4. If add is performed within a transaction the listeners are not
>>>        notified until after the commit.
>> Same listener issues as add()
>>      6. dependsOn()
>> What is this used for nowadays?
>>         1. true if this graph's content depends on the other graph. May be
>>>        pessimistic (ie return true if it's not sure). Typically true
>>> when a  graph
>>>        is a composition of other graphs, eg union.
>>>     7. find()
>>>        1. returns an iterator of triples that match the specified triple.
>> And the iterator?
>> Specifically, there are ConcurrentModificationException issues even in
>> single threaded code.
>>      8. getBulkUpdateHandler() -- deprecated / removed -- no tests
>>>     9. getCapabilities()
>> Aside: Capabilities need clearing up.  It's too black-and-white. it can't
>> express the totality of possibilities.
>> Big question: what use does application code make of capabilities?  I
>> suspect none, or noe except to flag errors.  I can't envisage getting a
>> graph that says"addAllowed=false" and doign anything but signalling the
>> user that they can't do what ever the task is.   Yet it's going to have
>> ("should have") error handling code anyway.
>> Maybe it reduces to
>>    Graph.isReadOnly
>> I'm unconvinced the add/delete distinction matters.  I can think of graph
>> where there is a difference (append-only) but not of an application that
>> adapts based on this other than to say "no, can't".
>> e.g.
>> addAllowed( boolean everyTriple );
>> Capabilities.handlesLiteralTyping -- can't say "some, not others"
>>         1. must not return null.
>> If we retain the current Capabilities, then we need a way to say "don't
>> know".  Some of the capabilities are definite yes/no.
>> e.g addAllowed -- presumably "yes" on most graphs but what if there is a
>> security wrapper?  Or system resources are
>>         2. capabilities must match other results.
>>>           1. if not addAllowed() , add must throw exception
>>>           2. if not deleteAllowed(),
>>>              1. delete must throw exception
>>>              2. clear must throw exception
>> clear() of an already empty graph?
>>            3. if iteratorRemoveAllowed(), iterator from find must allow
>>>           remove()
>>>           4. if canBeEmpty()
>>>              1. initial construction must be empty()
>>>              2. clear() must be empty.
>>>           3. must pass Capabilities contract tests.
>>>     10. getEventManager()
>>>        1. May not return null
>>>        2. Listeners registered with event manager must be notified of
>>>        changes.
>>>        3. EventManager must pass GraphEventManager contract test.
>>>     11. getPrefixMapping()
>>>        1. May not be null
>>>        2. changes to the prefixes managed by the PrefixMapping returned
>>>         getPrefixMapping() must be reflected in all other PrefixMapping
>>> classes
>>>        from the same graph.
>> I disagree with the defined contract in javadoc! The "same object" is
>> horrible!!
>>         3. Changes made to a prefix mapping within a transaction are
>>> visible
>>>        outside of the transaction and are not rolled back by the
>>> transaction.
>> !!
>>         4. PrefixMapping  must pass the PrefixMapping contract test
>>>     12. getStatisticsHandler()
>> No longer used.
>>         1. may be null
>>>        2. if not null must pass the GraphStatisticsHandler contract test.
>>>        3. all GraphStatisticsHandlers returned must pass handler.equals(
>>>        handler2 )
>>>     13. getTransactionHandler()
>>>        1. may not be null
>>>        2. must pass the TransactionHandler contract test.
>>>     14. isClosed()
>>>        1. must return false when the graph is created.
>>>        2. must return true after the close() has been called.
>>>     15. isEmpty()
>>>        1. must return true when graph is created if
>>>        Capabilities.canBeEmpty() is true
>> I don't understand this - a graph may be a view of another soit's not
>> empty at the start.
>>         2. must not return true after triples are added
>>>        3. must return true after all triples are deleted if
>>>        Capabilities.canBeEmpty() is true.
>>>        4. must return true after clear() if Capabilities.canBeEmpty() is
>>>        true.
>>>     16. isIsomorphicWith() -- from (
>>> section-graph-equality):
>>>      Two RDF graphs G and G' are isomorphic (that is, they have an
>>> identical
>>>     form) if there is a bijection M between the sets of nodes of the two
>>>     graphs, such that:
>>>        1. M maps blank nodes to blank nodes.
>>>        2. M(lit)=lit for all RDF literals lit which are nodes of G.
>>>        3. M(iri)=iri for all IRIs iri which are nodes of G.
>>>        4. The triple ( s, p, o ) is in G if and only if the triple (
>>> M(s),
>>>        p, M(o) ) is in G'
>>>     17. remove()
>>>        1. when a triple is removed from a graph all registered listeners
>>>        must receive an (remove graph triple) message
>> remove() removes by pattern
>> After remove(S,P,O), contains(S,P,O) is false (S/P/O can be Node.ANY)
>>         2. subsequent graph.contains( triple ) must return false, unless
>>> the
>>>        triple was is in the newly constructed  graph and
>>> Capabilities.canBeEmpty()
>>>        is false.
>>>        3. If removed is performed within a transaction the listeners are
>>> not
>>>        notified until after the commit.
>>>        4. If delete is denied (Capabilities.deleteAllowed() returns
>>> false)
>>>        must throw DeleteDeniedException
>>>     18. size()
>>>        1. if Capabilities.sizeAccurate() is true
>>>           1. if transactions are supported
>>>           (TransactionHandler.transactionsSupported() is true)
>>>              1. the size from within the transaction must function
>>>                 1. adding a triple must increment the size of the graph.
>>>                 2. removing a triple must decrement the size of the
>>> graph.
>>>              2. the size from outside the transaction must not change
>>>           2. if transactions are not in
>>>           supported  (TransactionHandler.transactionsSupported() is
>>> false)
>>>              1.  adding a triple must increment the size of the graph.
>>>              2. removing a triple must decrement the size of the graph.
>>>           2. if Capabilities.sizeAccurate() is false
>>>           1. if transactions are supported
>>>           (TransactionHandler.transactionsSupported() is true)
>>>              1. the size from within the transaction must function
>>>                 1. adding a triple may increment the size of the graph.
>>>                 2. adding a triple may not decrement the size of the
>>> graph.
>>>                 3. removing a triple may decrement the size of the graph.
>>>                 4. removing a triple may not increment the size of the
>>> graph.
>>>              2. the size from outside the transaction must not change
>>>                 1. adding a triple may not decrement the size of the
>>> graph.
>>>                 2. removing a triple may not increment the size of the
>>> graph.
>>>                 2. if transactions are not in
>>>           supported  (TransactionHandler.transactionsSupported() is
>>> false)
>>>              1. adding a triple may increment the size of the graph.
>>>              2. adding a triple may not decrement the size of the graph.
>>>              3. removing a triple may decrement the size of the graph.
>>>              4. removing a triple may not increment the size of the
>>> graph.
>>> Please comment as appropriate.
>>> Claude
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