Thanks, formatting improvements applied and published


On 04/02/2015 07:15, "Jeff Benton" <> wrote:

>Clone URL (Committers only):
>Jeff Benton
>Index: trunk/content/documentation/query/extension.mdtext
>--- trunk/content/documentation/query/extension.mdtext (revision 1655891)
>+++ trunk/content/documentation/query/extension.mdtext (working copy)
>@@ -52,7 +52,12 @@
> The ARQ function library uses this mechanism.  The namespace of the
> ARQ function library is <`>`.
>-    PREFIX afn: <>PREFIX dc:
><>SELECT ?v{ ?x dc:date ?date . FILTER
>(?date < afn:now() )}
>+    PREFIX afn: <>
>+    PREFIX dc: <>
>+    SELECT ?v { 
>+        ?x dc:date ?date .
>+        FILTER (?date < afn:now() )
>+    }
> The afn:now returns the time the query started.
>@@ -80,15 +85,26 @@
> One common case is for access to collections (RDF lists) or
> containers (rdf:Bag, rdf:Seq, rdf:Alt).
>-    PREFIX list: <>SELECT ?member{ ?x :p
>?list .     # Some way to find the list ?list list:member ?member .}
>+    PREFIX list: <>
>+    SELECT ?member {
>+        ?x :p ?list .     # Some way to find the list
>+        ?list list:member ?member .
>+    }
> which can also be written:
>-    PREFIX list: <>SELECT ?member{ ?x :p
>[ list:member ?member ] }
>+    PREFIX list: <>
>+    SELECT ?member {
>+        ?x :p [ list:member ?member ]
>+    }
> Likewise, RDF containers:
>-    PREFIX rdfs: <>SELECT ?member{
>?x :p ?bag .     # Some way to find the bag ?bag rdfs:member ?member .}
>+    PREFIX rdfs: <>
>+    SELECT ?member {
>+        ?x :p ?bag .     # Some way to find the bag
>+        ?bag rdfs:member ?member .
>+    }
> Property functions can also take lists in the subject or object
> slot.
>@@ -99,7 +115,10 @@
> bound, not constants are used, `splitIRI` will check the values).
>     PREFIX xsd: <>
>-    PREFIX apf: <java:com.hp.hpl.jena.query.pfunction.library.>SELECT
>?namespace ?localname{ xsd:string apf:splitIRI (?namespace ?localname) }
>+    PREFIX apf: <java:com.hp.hpl.jena.query.pfunction.library.>
>+    SELECT ?namespace ?localname {
>+        xsd:string apf:splitIRI (?namespace ?localname)
>+    }
> Property functions might conflict with inference rules and it can
> be turned off by the Java code:

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