Thanks for the explanation Claude!

Fetched the code from git but will only be able to take a look on it on 
Wednesday due to a local conference. 

> Now that I think about it I think the "CT" should go at the end as
CollectionGraph_CT that way all the CollectionGraph tests would be together
and easy to find in a directory listing.
Assuming that we use TS_ and TC_ as prefix, I'd prefer a CT_ prefix rather than 
_CT, just to follow a convention.
      From: Claude Warren <>
 To:; Bruno P. Kinoshita <> 
 Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 6:33 PM
 Subject: contract tests.
I have added a contract testing branch and have added the contract tests
for all graphs in the core code.  I also have contract tests for several
other interfaces defined but no suites to exercise them.  I recall a recent
conversation where tile names were given TS_ prefix for "test suite".  I am
thinking of giving the contract test suite classes a CT_ prefix (Contract


Oh.  As an outline:

Contract tests are annotated with @Contract and define the contracts for a
specific interface listed in the @Contract annotation. e.g.
@Contract(Graph.class) indicates contract test for the Graph interface.  I
normally name these with the word "Contract" in the class name. e.g.

Contract test suites are annotated with @ContractImpl and
@RunWith(ContractSuite.class).  The @ContractImpl annotation identifies the
class under test. e.g. @ContractImpl(CollectionGraph) indicates that
CollectionGraph is the implementation under test.  These are the ones I am
thinking of naming with a CT_ prefix (CT_CollectionGraphTest).  These tests
generally have one method (a method to provide a "producer" of the class
under test.

Now that I think about it I think the "CT" should go at the end as
CollectionGraph_CT that way all the CollectionGraph tests would be together
and easy to find in a directory listing.


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