On 08/06/15 16:41, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Informational announcement: TDB2

TDB2 is a reworking of TDB based on updated implementations of
transactions and transactional data structures for project Lizard (a
clustered SPARQL store).

TDB2 has:

* Arbitrary scale write-once transactions
* New transaction system - can add other first class components.
   (e.g. text indexes, cache tables)
* Models works across transaction boundaries
* Cleaner, simpler, more maintainable

TDB2 databases are not compatible with TDB databases.  It uses a more
efficient encoding for RDF terms.  [1]

Being a database, the new indexing and transaction code needs time to
settle to bring the maturity up.  I'm using that tech in Lizard


TDB2 code:

Lizard slides:

[1] An upgrade path using TDB1-style encoding is possible; it is an
one-way upgrade path and not reversible [2].  TDB2 adds control files
for the copy-on-write data structures that TDB1 does not understand.

[2] Actually, if the encoding is compatible, what will happen is that
TDB1 will see the database at the time of the upgrade.  Welcome to
copy-on-write immutable data structures.

TDB2 is transactional use only.
Additional fun with Java8: all the begin/commit foo is hidden.

   Dataset ds = TDBFactory.createDataset() ;

Here is a write transaction to load a file:

  TDBTxn.executeWrite(ds, ()->RDFDataMgr.read(ds, "http:...")) ;

Or to get the size of the default model safely:

  long size =
    TDBTxn.executeReadReturn(ds, ()->ds.getDefaultModel().size()) ;


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