The QueryBuilder also has parameterized variables of a type.

Basically you can construct the query with variables and then replace the
variable with a value by calling setVar()  just before calling build.

SelectBuilder sb = new SelectBuilder()
    .addVar( "*" )
    .addWhere( "?s", "?p", "?o" );
sb.setVar( Var.alloc( "?o" ), NodeFactory.createURI(
""; ) ) ;Query q =;


  { ?s ?p <> }

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 5:27 AM, Holger Knublauch <>

> Hi Andy,
> this looks great, and is just in time for the ongoing discussions in the
> SHACL group. I apologize in advance for not having the bandwidth yet to try
> this out from your branch, but this topic will definitely bubble up in the
> priorities soon...
> I have not fully understood how the semantics of this are different from
> the setInitialBinding feature that we currently use in SPIN, and which
> seems to do a pretty good job. However, having a facility to do further
> pre-processing in advance may improve performance and provide a more formal
> definition of what setInitialBinding is doing. I am personally not
> enthusiastic about approaches based on text-substitution, so working on the
> parsed syntax tree looks good to me. There are some (rare) cases where
> text-substitution would be more powerful, e.g. dynamic path properties and
> some solution modifiers, but as you say no approach is perfect.
> Questions:
> - would this also pre-bind variables inside of nested SELECTs?
> - I assume this can handle blank nodes (e.g. rdf:Lists) as bindings?
> - What about bound(?var) and ?var is pre-bound?
> Thanks
> Holger
> On 6/28/15 8:08 PM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> (info / discussion / ...)
>> In working on JENA-963 (OpAsQuery; reworked handling of SPARQL modifiers
>> for GROUP BY), it was easier/better to add the code I had for rewriting
>> syntax by transformation, much like the algebra is rewritten by the
>> optimizer.  The use case is rewriting the output of OpAsQuery to remove
>> unnecessary nesting of levels of "{}" which arise during translation for
>> the safety of the translation.
>> Hence putting in package oaj.sparql.syntax.syntaxtransform, a general
>> framework for rewriting syntax, like we have for the SPARQL+ algebra.
>> It is also capable of being a parameterized query system (PQ).  We
>> already ParameterizedSparqlString (PSS) so how do they compare?
>> Work-in-progress:
>> PQ is a rewrite of a Query object (the template) with a map of variables
>> to constants. That is, it works on the syntax tree after parsing and
>> produces a syntax tree.
>> PSS is a builder with substitution. It builds a string, carefully
>> (injection attacks) and is neutral as to what it is working with - query or
>> update or something weird.
>> Summary:
>> PQ is only for replacement of a variable in a template.
>> PSS is a builder that can do that as part of building.
>> PQ covers cases PSS doesn't - neither is perfect.
>> PSS works with INSERT DATA.
>> PQ would use the INSERT { ... } WHERE {} form.
>> Details:
>> PSS:
>>   Can build query, update strings and fragments
>>   Supports JDBC style positional parameters (a '?')
>>     These must be bound to get a valid query.
>>     Can generate illegal syntax.
>>   Tests the type of the injected value (string, iri, double etc).
>>   Has corner cases
>>      Looks for ?x as a string so ...
>>        "This is not a ?x as a variable"
>>        <http://example/foo?x=123>
>>        "SELECT ?x"
>>        ns:local\?x (a legal local part)
>>   Protects against injection by checking.
>>   Works on INSERT DATA.
>> PQ:
>>   Replaces SPARQL variables where identified as variables.
>>     (no extra-syntax positional '?')
>>   Legal query to legal syntax query.
>>     The query may violate scope rules (example below).
>>     Not a query builder.
>>   Post parser, so no reparsing to use the query
>>     (for large updates and queries)
>>   Injection is meaningless - can only inject values, not syntax.
>>   Can rewrite structurally: "SELECT ?x" => "SELECT  (:value AS ?x)"
>>     which is useful to record the injection variables.
>>   Works with "INSERT {?s ?p ?o } WHERE { }"
>> PQ example:
>>   Query template = QueryFactory.create(.. valid query ..) ;
>>   Map<String, RDFNode> map = new HashMap<>() ;
>>   map.put("y", ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("Bristol") ;
>>   Query query = ParameterizedQuery.setVariables(template, map) ;
>> A perfect system probably needs a "template language" which SPARQL
>> extended with a new "template variable" which is only allowed in certain
>> places in the query and must be bound before use.
>> Some examples of hard templates:
>> (1) Not variables:
>> <http://example/foo?x=123>
>> "This is not a ?x as a variable"
>> ns:local\?x
>> (2) Some places ?x can not be replaced with a value directly.
>>    SELECT ?x { ?s ?p ?x }
>> A possible output is:
>>   SELECT  (:X AS ?x) { ?s ?p :X }
>> which is nice as it record the substitution but it fails when nested
>> again.
>> SELECT ?x { {SELECT ?x { ?s ?p ?x } } ?s ?p ?o }
>> This is a bad query:
>> SELECT (:X AS ?x) { {SELECT (:X AS ?x) { ...
>> (3) Other places:
>> SELECT ?x { BIND(1 AS ?x) }
>> SELECT ?x { VALUES ?x { 123 } }
>>     Andy

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